1 XVI Florence Forum Jose Sierra Madrid, 4 June 2009 Chair, RIG ERGEG Electricity Regional Initiative Update & Progress.


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Presentation transcript:

1 XVI Florence Forum Jose Sierra Madrid, 4 June 2009 Chair, RIG ERGEG Electricity Regional Initiative Update & Progress

2 Regional Initiatives 1.The Regional Initiatives Group (RIG) 2.Coherence & Convergence: Conclusions Paper after Public Consultation (March 2009) 3.Progress report based on topic by topic 1.Why RIG –Ensuring consistency between regions and the EU SEM and –Finding the role of the ERGEG RIs in the new context of the Third Package

3 –Are third energy package and Regional Initiatives (RIs) complementary? –Regional Initiatives are bottom up approach to achieving a single market –Third package contains top-down tools (e.g. Network codes) RIs may have disadvantages – hard to co-ordinate and risk regional, not European, results –Criticism often made is that RIs may ’diverge‘ Regional Initiatives: Future Role?

4 Regional Initiatives - Essential? RIs are important to enable us to make progress –Achieving a single market is extremely complex –We have a step by step approach where the RIs have a big role; –Enabling ideas to be tested before wide European application (low risk) But for these benefits to be achieved the risks of the regional approach must be actively managed RIG has been created by ERGEG to better manage convergence of regions through greater co-ordination and improved communication.

5 RIG: Work Plan RIG will: –Ensure convergence of Regional Initiatives towards the SEM. –Facilitate cross region, and cross sectoral sharing of experience. –Publish a single annual progress report to be presented at the November RIs Conference –Publish a paper to provide clarity on the role of the RIs in the context of the third package –Cooperate with the EC regarding its study on RIs

6 1.The Regional Initiatives Group (RIG) 2.Coherence & Convergence: Conclusions Paper after Public Consultation (March 2009) 3.Progress report based on topic by topic Regional Initiatives

7 Regional Initiatives C&C: Conclusions paper –ERGEG ERI process allows regions to make concrete progress on the move towards a single electricity market. Most commented on EU wide issues. –Regions are advancing at quite different speeds and these differences must be considered. –Stakeholders support the reports conclusions and recommendations for greater coordination (need of RIG) in order to achieve more regional & inter-regional convergence. –Stakeholders fully support the elaboration of cross- regional action plans especially on long-term and day- ahead timeframes.

8 1.The Regional Initiatives Group (RIG) 2.Coherence & Convergence: Conclusions Paper after Public Consultation (March 2009) 3. Progress report based on topic by topic −Capacity Calculation (also in PCG) −Transparency −Congestion Management (also in PCG) −Long-term allocation −Day-Ahead −Intraday −Balancing Regional Initiatives

9 Progress report Capacity Calculation Improvements in capacity calculation through better coordination among TSOs Two coordination centers of network operations and enhanced information exchange (CWE) Flow-based approach under implementation (CEE Auction Office & TSOs)

10 Common interpretation of regulators regarding transparency requirements (in Regulation 1228/2003) After a first transparency report by the Northern region, 4 other regions have produced transparency reports, similar in structure and criteria. Since the XV Florence Forum: Transparency report by the CS region in February Monitoring of the compliance with these requirements is ongoing in the Northern, CWE and SW regions Progress report Transparency

11 Progress report Long term allocation Harmonisation of auction rules is progressing properly Further progress is still expected to improve firmness of capacities and the functioning of secondary capacity markets CSE, CWE and CEE already have or will soon have a single set of auction rules operational at a regional level Nearly all existing auction rules share same common features, UIOSI will be soon implemented on most EU interconnections (SW new allocation rules for FR-SP) CSE: delays in the SAO project; cooperation from all TSOs in implementing RCC’s proposal is essential

12 Progress report Day-ahead Strong momentum for market-coupling A number of projects identified throughout Europe New target dates for Pentalateral market coupling due to critical capacity calculation issues aa ATC-based coupling in March 2010; flow based in December 2010 (CWE) Price-Coupling between the Iberian Market & CW (SW region) Agreement between IT-SL PXs on MC (CS region) EMCC difficulties – lessons to be learnt for coming projects (N-CW regions)

13 Progress Report Intraday Second-level priority for stakeholders (C&C report: conclusions paper) Target model still under discussion Closed public consultation in SW Ongoing public consultation in the CWE

14 Progress report Balancing Starting projects could pave the way for further integration of balancing markets Balit project (FR-UK) - interim phase. Reciprocal exchange of balancing offers through a TSO -TSO model is in place since March 2009

15 Thank you for your attention! Mark your diary for the World Forum on Energy Regulation IV October 18-21, 2009 Athens, Greece