Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 1 April 2004 Mission Essential Tasks Assessment Construction & Maintenance Planning & Traffic Engineering Issues Return to consent agenda Return to regular agenda Return to consent agenda Return to regular agenda
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 2 Mission The VDOT Charlottesville Residency builds and maintains roads, provides transportation expertise and regulatory authority and facilitates traffic engineering issues for Albemarle and Greene Counties in ways that are: focused on public safety fiscally and environmentally responsible supportive of alternative transportation means supportive of neighborhood and regional development
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 3 ESSENTIAL TASKS TASKASSESSMENTREMARKS (see legend below) 1. 1.MAINTAIN SECONDARY & (A) PRIMARY ROADS o ROW: mow, ditch, pipes, trim, signs, patrols o ROADWAY: grade, pave, patch - Slurry schedule to start April 7, Pothole patching from winter breakup o EMERGENCY OPS o REPAIR & BUILD BRIDGES - Rt 637 and 677 bridges weight limits lowered to 21 and 7 tons due to structural integrity of beams o MAINTAIN EQUIPMENT
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 4 ESSENTIAL TASKS (continued) TASKASSESSMENTREMARKS (see legend below) 2. MANAGE CONSTRUCTION (G) PROGRAM o PE Activities - Award and process contract documents for Airport Road, Rt 649 o Project Construction - Rt 708 project scheduled to start mid April - Rt 618 project, Greene Co., scheduled to start mid April
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 5 ESSENTIAL TASKS (continued) TaskAssessmentRemarks (See legend below) 3. CONDUCT PLANNING ACTIVITIES (G) o Issue and review permits - 42 land use permits issued - 8 Revised plans reviewed & comments provided as needed o Review site plans and rezoning request - 3 new site plans reviewed - 3 Special Use Permits reviewed & comments provided - 8 developments in planning stages - 0 Rezonings reviewed o Conduct studies and advise o Inspect and monitor subdivisions - 7 subdivision plan reviews - 1 subdivisions inspected for acceptance - 0 subdivisions accepted
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 6 ESSENTIAL TASKS (continued) TASK ASSESSMENTREMARKS (see legend below) 4. FACILITATE TRAFFIC (G) ENGINEERING o Request and advise on signals & signs - 9 Traffic issues submitted o Request and advise on studies & data - 5 Traffic issues outstanding o Assist with design
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 7 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 8 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 9 CONSTRUCTION PAVING & CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 10 MAINTENANCE Yancey Mills Headquarters
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 11 MAINTENANCE Free Union Headquarters
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 12 MAINTENANCE Keene Headquarters
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 13 MAINTENANCE Boyd Tavern Headquarters
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 14 Maintenance STANARDSVILLE HEADQUARTERS
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 15 Equipment
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 16
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 17 PLANNING
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 18 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING
Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report 19 ISSUES MCP design public hearing