2014 Roadway Rehabilitation Project Neighborhood Pre-construction Meeting Monday, June 9, :00 p.m. Currell Boulevard Tamarack Road
Agenda Project Scope Schedule and Phasing Overview of the Construction Process Project Communication Assessments Review Commonly Asked Questions Opportunity to Ask Questions
Project Scope
Currell Boulevard & Tamarack Road 3” Mill and overlay Spot curb repairs Sanitary sewer, water system and storm sewer repair and maintenance Storm water quality improvements Trail pavement replacement on Tamarack Road Trail addition on north side of Currell Boulevard
Construction Phasing Project work phasing of work is similar for each area: Mobilization and traffic control Water system repairs Remove and replace damaged curb Mill or remove pavement Storm, sanitary sewer and water system repairs Restoration Pave street
Tentative Construction Schedule Currell Boulevard Begin construction week of June 16 th Tamarack Road Begin construction week of July 7 th Schedule subject to change Notification will be given prior to start of construction
Storm Sewer & Utility Repair
Spot Curb Removal & Irrigation
Curb Removal and Replacement
Street and Driveway Access
Pavement removal processes
Grading and Shaping
Pavement Replacement & Overlay
Project Communication Door Hangers City Website InTouch Notifications Project Hotline Provides a place to get project updates, register concerns, and set up appointments. Monitored daily by onsite manager. -
In Touch Notification Swiftest method to receive project notifications To sign up for InTouch: 1.Go to www://ci.woodbury.mn.us/www://ci.woodbury.mn.us/ 2.Under E-Services for residents, click 3.Click “Register Now” 4.Fill in the five fields under “Create New Account” and click “Submit” 5.Click “Edit Your InTouch List Subscriptions” 6.Under “Special Notices from City Departments” select “2014 Roadway Rehabilitation Projects” and click “Update”
Project Funding Funding Sources Project Funding Evergreen and Whispering Pines Currell Boulevard (Queens Drive to Bielenberg Drive) Tamarack Road (Radio Drive to Spring Hill Drive)Total Street Reconstruction/ Maintenance Fund $2,641,184.46$0.00$355,547.68$2,996, Storm Water Utility Fund $296,741.44$408.03$24,439.14$321, Storm Water Utility Fund (Quality) $385,300.00$61,495.95$0.00$446, Water & Sewer Utility Fund $199,428.81$4,247.83$42,031.92$245, Final Assessments$2,156,145.29$334,240.95$205,205.08$2,695, TOTALS$5,678,800.00$400,392.76$627,223.82$6,706,416.58
Assessments Vary by property Notification and amounts will be mailed on June 10, 2014 Assessment Hearing at June 25, 2014 City Council meeting
Assessment Payment Assessments based on City’s Roadway Construction and Rehabilitation Financing Policy Total Assessment is $2,695,600 Total Commercial Assessment $539,455 15-year Term 3.0% Interest Property owners can prepay interest free for 30 days. Payments need to be received by City Finance Department no later than July 25.
Frequently Asked Questions Project Schedule The general contractor is Hardrives, Inc. Their preliminary schedule is to begin June 10 th. Substantial completion of the majority of the project areas is expected by early October. The contractor’s proposed schedule is very aggressive, and is a “best case’ scenario. Please keep in mind the schedule can be delayed by weather or other unforeseen circumstances. For more detailed information, construction notices will be delivered to impacted homes throughout the duration of the project. Also, we STRONGLY RECOMMEND you sign up for the City’s InTouch notification system to provide critical construction updates throughout this project. Will the streets be open during construction A drivable surface consisting of existing pavement or gravel will be maintained at all times during the construction. There will be days where access will be difficult when the contractor is working directly in front of your property. Contractor’s working hours The contractor’s work hours are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. They typically work 40-hour weeks from Monday through Friday; however, at times Saturday work may occur, if necessary. Access during project You should have access to your property at most times throughout the construction process. You will be notified if new curb or driveway apron will be poured in front of your property as you will not be able to drive across it for approximately five to seven days while the concrete cures. Driveways will be constructed in a manner to allow access to your property while the concrete cures.
Frequently Asked Questions Garbage and mail service Regular garbage/recycling and mail service should be maintained throughout the project. Those companies will be regularly informed of the work being performed. Turf restoration Curb replacement, grading, and utility work may result in the disruption of the boulevard adjacent to those locations. Any turf that is removed will be replaced with seed and hydro mulch. The contractor is responsible to warranty the establishment of the seed for 45 days after installation. After the warranty period ends, all future repairs will be the responsibility of the property owner. Irrigation systems, underground dog fences, shrubs, rocks and other landscaping features within the City right-of-way The City right-of-way for streets within this project area is 80 & 120 feet wide. Landscaping, sprinkler systems, underground dog fences or any other private features that are within the right-of-way may be damaged or require modifications prior to construction starting. On this project, damage is most likely to occur during the removal and replacement of damaged concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer catch basin castings or during trail construction. Before construction begins, the project inspector will paint the curb that will be replaced by the contractor. It is then the responsibility of the property owner to determine if any private features are located in the right-of-way and to either remove them from the construction limits or make arrangements with the project inspector to make the contractor aware of their presence. If the contractor knows the location of these facilities, they may be able to minimize or avoid damage. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL THE CITY, OR THE CONTRACTOR, REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY PRIVATE FEATURES THAT ARE DAMAGED WITHIN THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY. If you have any questions regarding any private features that may be impacted or whether curb is going to be removed in front of your property, please contact the project inspector by calling the Project Hotline number
Questions Specific project questions. One on one questions after the meeting.