It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood The Realities of Neighborhood Revitalization Too far gone?
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood The Realities of Neighborhood Revitalization The $100,000 question
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood The Realities of Neighborhood Revitalization Neighborhoods Choose wisely Longer to develop a neighborhood than an house One neighborhood at a time Size matters Residents Agents of change Involvement and investment Not everyone wants to get involved Habitat’s Role Habitat is helping pave the way for residents A hand up, not a hand out Time and excellence - COMMITMENT Can’t do it alone
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood Identifying a Neighborhood for Revitalization Do Your Homework: Simple Questions to Ask What is the vacancy to rental to homeowner ratio? What assets does the neighborhood possess? What is the visibility of the neighborhood? What is the current market value of the homes? What are the natural boundaries? How will Habitat homes fit within the neighborhood? How many potential lots are available? Are Brush with Kindness and Critical Home Repair implementable? What entities are embedded in and/or support the neighborhood? Is the neighborhood protecting another neighborhood? Is the neighborhood worth an investment of 3 to 5 years?
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood Identifying a Neighborhood for Revitalization Do Your Homework: Simple Strategies Drive and walk the neighborhood – Day and Night Perform a house rating evaluation Research the history of the neighborhood Host multiple neighborhood gatherings Random interviews with residents Map the boundaries 150 to 200 houses is manageable
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood Group Discussion: Your Neighborhoods
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood Identifying Neighborhood Residents Core resident leaders (make decisions and drive things forward) (3-4 leaders) Go-to resident helpers (help with events, hosting, getting the word out and an overall cheerleader) Sporadic resident attenders (come and go) NOTE: Avoid “Problem focused” residents Identify the strong homeowners based on an exterior evaluation Host informal gatherings (Brainstorm sessions) Ask residents
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood Identifying Neighborhood Support Potential Supporters Neighborhood Associations City government Churches Additional non-profits Community centers Schools Businesses Community stakeholders Foundations You can’t do it alone!
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood Neighborhood - Core Residents - Support - Let’s Revitalize!
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood Tangible Strategies for Neighborhood Revitalization A Plan Habitat, core residents and supporters Who does what well? 3-5 year Year One: Buy in Year Two: Simple wins Year Three to Five: Tangible, long-term results Habitat New construction Rehab Demolition/Deconstruction Brush with Kindness Critical Home Repair NOTE: Don’t tackle the biggest program first
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood Tangible Strategies: Brainstorming
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood Creative Strategies for Neighborhood Revitalization Celebrate Social and educational gatherings on home improvement Coffee with Habitat Contests Landscaping and holiday Host a Neighborhood Celebration Lighting program Communication efforts Community connection piece Bulletin board Art
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood Creative Strategies: Brainstorming
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood Neighborhood Identity Importance Communicating to the residents and outsiders Name the neighborhood Resident led Based on history What will the name lead to? Asset based
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood Name that Neighborhood
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood A Revitalized Neighborhood Tangible increase in: Market rate housing Property standards Resident investment and involvement Safety Appeal Perception
It’s Not Make-Believe: Joining Together to Develop A Neighborhood Thank you! Aaron Brown Community Outreach Coordinator Habitat for Humanity of Greater Stark and Carroll Counties Office: Ext