Summary of Participant Interview Themes for GSIM Sprint 1 7 February 2012
What purposes should GSIM serve? Reference information model – to complement GSBPM – To pave the way for standardisation – for data integration and data linking – to get more value from data A standard understanding of information across processes for all NSIs Define the semantics of information GSBPM articulates how to make statistics. We need to go back to basics – what are statistics? People put a lot of things in the GSIM corner [of the HLG-BAS Vision] The purpose is a bit vague Operationalise our metadata Help physical implementations, new systems that could be shared and are interoperable 2
Why does the world need GSIM? GSIM needs to capture the uniqueness of the statistical community Common language, understanding and agreement Drives international collaboration and globalisation (more comparable results) Used GSBPM but it doesn’t discuss products, data and metadata – it’s fundamental to start here Things are moving fast, we need to be faster to market Financial savings, development costs – share costs and resources, collaborate Need to coordinate implementations of standards and influence them 3
What benefits does GSIM offer? Need GSIM to provide the ‘glue’ between the GSBPM processes It’s a political signal signifying support for industrialisation Common language as a basis for dialogue – between IT and business, within and across NSIs Stimulates collaboration, sharing, new thinking, new ideas Provides an infrastructure to solve a problem Consistency and coherence with other NSIs and technical standards Accelerates individual NSI efforts and stimulates broader efforts towards industrialisation across NSIs Common terms will help integrate/inform business architecture work Helps with the development and redevelopment of processes and systems Helps organise metadata to work in a rational way 4
What outcomes do you want from Sprint 1? One page about GSIM: an easy to understand model Readily accepted model like GSBPM rather than trying to solve everything Establish what an information model is Establish a common language Either validate or change GSIM v0.1 Need to be able to say: – what it’s for, – what we need to do to speed it up, – what are the governance issues Proof of concept for future work Need to test it out with a detail case – a test case/ concrete example 5 Get everyone on the same wavelength Make sure we are all talking the same language Takes time to get agreement – no-one has it all in their heads When you get to semantics, you get a lot of different views and perspectives Expertise is all there, we just haven’t got to the core of the issues Expectations need to be managed – this will not be instant How far are we going – will it be implementable, set of principles, similar to GSBPM?
What inputs should there be to Sprint 1? 6 Links to all available resources have been provided on the METIS wiki Request mission statements for all participating NSIs Examples and current plans for using GSIM from all participants
Any other matters to consider? Make sure we have definitions of ‘scope’ and ‘purpose’ What is the path to value: GSIM Value Proposition Management of expectations for Sprint outputs Accountability and timelines for future work Equipping participants to report back to their NSIs 7