WIT IN THE EUROPE 2020 PERSPECTIVE Germana Di Falco, External Expert on behalf of the Province of Milan, Berlin, International Conference, 15° May 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

WIT IN THE EUROPE 2020 PERSPECTIVE Germana Di Falco, External Expert on behalf of the Province of Milan, Berlin, International Conference, 15° May 2014 With financial support from the European Union

WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS TO AVOID DECLINE MUCH MORE THAN A SUBTITLE 1.«Societal challenges» to pave the way to recovery and innovation SMART SUSTAINABLE INCLUSIVE EUROPE 2020

WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS TWO POINTS OF VIEWS “ Intractable problems are seen as highlighting the failure of conventional solutions and established paradigms entrenched in intractable institutional settings across all three conventional sectors of society.” (Tepsie project on Social Innovation) NOT CONVENTIONAL SKILLS FOR JOBS not just EMPLOYABILITY Social innovations are new solutions (products, services, models, markets, processes etc.) that simultaneously meet a social need (more effectively than existing solutions) and lead to new or improved capabilities and relationships and better use of assets and resources. In other words, social innovations are good both for society and for enhancing its capacity to act.

WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW  Cross-sectoral  Open and collaborative  Grassroots and bottom-up  Pro-sumption and co-production  Mutualism  Create new roles and relationships  Better use of assets and resources  Develop assets and capabilities

WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS SKILLS AND JOBS  6 steps in social innovation  Thinking Hats and Social Intelligence  The need for multidisciplinary approach (outcome based approach)

WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS RESEARCH TO ENHANCE PRACTICE... to practice without a theory is to sail an uncharted sea; theory without practice is not to set sail at all... (Susser 1968)

WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS WILLING TO SAIL AND CHARTER Two focus: 1. white jobs 2.transfereable multi-profile skills How to proceed? 1 Observation : it tells us what we see and what to look out for 2 Description : it provides a conceptual vocabulary and framework within which observations can be arranged and organized 3 Explanation : it suggests how different observations might be linked and connected; it offers possible causal relationships between one event and another 4 Prediction : it indicates what might happen next 5 Intervention : it suggests what might be done to bring about change

WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS PROJECT’S OBJECTIVES 1.Collect and share best practices on White Jobs 2.Sbapshots and foresight to reduce mis-match and co-create regulatory framework 3.Analyse social innovation impact on strategic skills for social workers, ( EU Atlas of Innovation in Social Work)

WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS WP4 – Invest in knowledge  2 International conferences (Berlin, Sofia) based on periodical snapshots of the WITGIS  3 round tables (Milan, Berlin, Vilnius)  3 seminars (Milan, Sofia, Vilnius) + 5 workshops  The (interactive?) WIT White Book THE CORE PILLARS

WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS WP3 – benchmarking and WITGIS  Benchmarking  30 best practices on social work, social skills e social management  WITGIS on skills and good practices THE CORE PILLARS

WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS Thanks for your attention! 12

WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS This training material is supported by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity - PROGRESS ( ). This programme is implemented by the European Commission. It was established to financially support the implementation of the objectives of the European Union in the employment, social affairs and equal opportunities area, and thereby contribute to the achievement of the Europe 2020 Strategy goals in these fields. The seven-year Programme targets all stakeholders who can help shape the development of appropriate and effective employment and social legislation and policies, across the EU-27, EFTA-EEA and EU candidate and pre-candidate countries. For more information see: The information contained in this publication doesn’t necessarily reflect the position or opinion of the European Commission. The sole responsibility of this training material content lies with the author. The Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information here contained.