Implementing the SET-plan proposed Energy Efficiency Directive The proposed Directive establishes a common framework for promoting energy efficiency in.


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Presentation transcript:

Implementing the SET-plan proposed Energy Efficiency Directive The proposed Directive establishes a common framework for promoting energy efficiency in the Union to ensure the target of 20% primary energy savings by 2020 is met and to pave the way for further energy efficiency afterwards. It lays down rules designed to remove barriers and overcome some of the market failures that impede efficiency in the supply and use of energy. Brussels, , COM(2011) 370 final, 2011/0172 (COD)

From Article 4 Member States shall establish and make publicly available an inventory of buildings owned by their public bodies indicating: (a) the floor area in m2; and (b) the energy performance of each building. EE2 is automatically monitoring energy performance

From Article 4 Member States shall encourage public bodies to: (a) adopt an energy efficiency plan, freestanding or as part of a broader climate or environmental plan, containing specific energy saving objectives, with a view to continuously improving the body's energy efficiency; (b) put in place an energy management system as part of the implementation of their plan. EE2 is an Energy Management System AND it enables continously improving of energy efficiency providing detailed information about energy performance in the building and an effective energy management mechanism.

From Article 6 Each Member State shall set up an energy efficiency obligation scheme. This scheme shall ensure that either all energy distributors or all retail energy sales companies operating on the Member State's territory achieve annual energy savings equal to 1.5% of their energy sales, by volume, in the previous year in that Member State excluding energy used in transport. This amount of energy savings shall be achieved by the obligated parties among final customers. EE2 gives all energy distributors/retail energy sales companies one integrated tool to ensure energy savings for their end users as well as monitoring and auditing the amount of energy savings.

From Article 6 Member States shall publish the energy savings achieved by each obligated party and data on the annual trend of energy savings under the scheme. For the purposes of publishing and verifying the energy savings achieved, Member States shall require obligated parties to submit to them at least the following data: a) the energy savings achieved; b) aggregated statistical information on their final customers (identifying significant changes to previously submitted information); and c) current information on final customers' consumption, including, where applicable, load profiles, customer segmentation and geographical location of customers, while preserving the integrity and confidentiality of private or commercially sensitive information in compliance with applicable European Union legislation. EE2 will automatically collect, store and present these data and much more.

From Article 7 Member States shall promote the availability to all final customers of energy audits which are affordable and carried out in an independent manner by qualified or accredited experts. EE2 will automatically give all necessary information for a detailed audit and present a report with an arbitrary lay out.

From Article 7 Energy audits carried out in an independent manner resulting from energy management systems or implemented under voluntary agreements concluded between organisations of stakeholders and an appointed body and supervised by the Member State concerned or by the Commission, shall be considered as fulfilling the requirements of paragraph 2 (Energy Audit). EE2 is an Energy Management System.

From Article 8 In case of heating and cooling, where a building is supplied from a district heating network, a heat meter shall be installed at the building entry. EE2 is monitoring heating and cooling supplied to a building and can present it in any manner, e.g. a screen at the building entry.

From Article 8 Member States shall introduce rules on cost allocation of heat consumption in multiapartment buildings supplied with centralised heat or cooling. Such rules shall include guidelines on correction factors to reflect building characteristics such as heat transfers between apartments. EE2 can be used to calculate correction factors.

From Article 8 Member States shall ensure that final customers are offered a choice of either electronic or hard copy billing and the possibility of easy access to complementary information allowing detailed self- checks on historical consumption EE2 will be able to produce this and can in addition present information of consumption with an intuitive graphical user interface on www or smartphones.