Goals for the session Provide information about how to access newly created materials that can be integrated into various subject matter areas. Find new teachers who would like to participate in the field testing process
Who is in the audience? -Teachers, counselors, administrators, other - Career Technical Ed-Industrial Technology - Math, science, English, social studies - Special Education Teaching 6-8 Teaching 9-12 Other
Activity How are you currently incorporating career information in the curriculum?
Commonalities for all Lessons Grades 6-12 Developed for teachers by teachers Focus on transportation careers Include assessment criteria, web sites, power points, student work sheets Career Development and/or Problem Based Learning
Activity To Pave or Pour: That is the Question. Know/don’t know – what careers would be involved
The Process Tested materials edited and placed on the web: Transportationcareers.org: (400 + lessons now) Broader field testing - new teachers-new states: September 2010-May 2011 Dissemination: May 2011-August 2012
How can you be involved? Visit the Transportationcareers.org web site Register to receive updates View the recent TDL web conference Become a field tester
Contact Information Fran Beauman – 217/ Sandy Dunkel – 217/ Transportationcareers.org