2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November 2009 John J. Burin, City Manager David Vandermark, City Chamberlain C ITY OF E LMIRA 2010 BUDGET PROPOSAL John J. Burin, City Manager David Vandermark, City Chamberlain
2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November 2009 City Property Tax Rate: General Fund Balance Changes In Fund Balances at End of Year
2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November 2009 Bond Rating Upgraded
2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November Proposed Revenues
2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November Proposed Appropriations
2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November 2009 Pension Costs The NYS Office of the Comptroller has notified the City of Elmira that the 2010 pension obligation will increase by $700,892. This additional expense, if unamortized represents a 6.8% tax increase Pension Obligation:$1,909, Pension Obligation: $2,610,644 Increase:+$700,892 The proposed budget assumes that the NYS Legislature will approve the Comptroller’s recommendation to allow municipalities the right to amortize this exorbitant increase in pension cost. This budget assumes a ten year amortization at 8% interest. Keep in mind that this expense is bore solely by the local taxpayers due to the State’s change in the pension system which no longer requires employee contributions. This is simply wrong and must be addressed by the legislative body in Albany.
2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November 2009 Capital Improvement Program The recommended 2010 Capital budget totals $12,265,393 with $9,841,445 or 80% being State or Federal allocations and $2,423,948 from Serial Bonds. Funding Sources Include: Government agencies other than Federal:$3,201,598 Federal:$6,552,347 Other:$ 87,500 Total:$9,841,445 Capital spending by major functional area: Parks:$ 606,598 Transportation:$ 7,721,500 Public Buildings:$ 1,691,000 Emergency Services:$ 199,000 Fleet Maintenance:$ 487,500 Information Systems:$ 249,795 Other:$ 1,310,000 Total:$12,265,393
2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November 2009 Capital Improvement Program Road Program: 36% of the proposed $12,265,393 Capital budget represents road reconstruction and/or repairs. Total road work is $4,384,000 of which $4,106,197 or 93.6% represents State, Federal or other funding sources. Only 6.4% of the 2010 Capital road program is local taxpayer dollars. In addition to the numerous streets that will be milled, paved and patched, several complete reconstruction projects are planed for portions of Broadway, Washington Ave. and N. Main St. Promenade: All of the matching funds have been secured to access a $1,250,000 Federal grant. According to Andy Avery, Director of City/County DPW there will be an accelerated Promenade project beginning in the spring of 2010.
2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November 2009 Capital Improvement Program Federal Building: A $1,250,000 grant has been awarded to the City to assist with the maintenance and repair of the Federal building. (Former Post Office). A renovation time frame has been developed with repairs planned to begin in the spring of Park Improvements: A $402,896 park improvements grant has been applied for in anticipation of completing $537,196 of improvements in three parks. (Eldridge, McKinnon and Brick Pond) Golf Course: In 2009 a Capital Improvement Fee was added to season passes and greens fees. As of October 31st. the total capital improvement dollars collected was $36,078. The 2010 Capital budget proposes an investment of these funds plus additional funds to replace/repair portions of the clubhouse roof, bathroom remodeling and pave the “U” shaped drive to the clubhouse. Total investment is estimated to be $105,000 before equipment purchases of additional $75,000.
2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November 2009 Budget Summary 2010 Total Appropriations:$28,682, Total Appropriations: $28,659,177 + $22, Tax Levy:$10,236, Tax Levy: $10,053,876 + $182,160 or 1.8% 2010 Tax Rate:$18.34/$1, Total Appropriations: $18.02/$1,000 + $.32/$1,000 or 1.7% What does this mean in dollars and cents for the average taxpayer with a $50,000 home? $50,000 $1.33 per month or $15.96 per year
2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November 2009 Sanitation Fee Cassella Waste Management has advised the City that the price per ton at the Lake St. facility will increase from $40.00/ton to $50.00/ton. The proposed 2010 budget recommends a $.09/week or $5.00/year increase which entitles the user to six bags per/unit/ week plus a recycle bin. In comparison, the City’s municipal rate remains significantly less than the larger private hauler rates. Annual rates of $ for one bag up to $ for five bags were quoted.
2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November 2009 The City of Elmira encompasses approximately 7.4 square miles or 4,736 acres. Wholly exempt parcels located within the City of Elmira encompass approximately 1,275 acres or 25% of the total land area. State, County, City and School buildings encompass the majority of the acreage. Other major land users are hospitals and Elmira College. Wholly Exempt Parcels
2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November 2009 Taxable Assessed Value:
2010 C ITY OF E LMIRA B UDGET P ROPOSAL November 2009 Budget Highlights State Aid: No increase in State Aid is forecasted---conversely this budget does not assume a decrease in State Aid. Sales Tax: Local government is highly dependant on sales tax revenue and therefore it is very important not to over reach with this estimate. The sales tax estimate of $6,674,176 is 2.3% less than actual 2008 revenue and.05% less than 2009 budgeted revenue. All public services continue to be funded. Public Safety appropriations continue to be the number one cost center representing approximately 40% of total expenses before benefits. Total appropriations of $28,682,153 are $22,976 greater when compared to 2009 or “no increase”. The proposed rate of $18.34/1000 represents an increase of $1.33 per month for the average home with an assessed valuation of $50,000. The 2010 Capital Budget of $12,265,393 is 80% funded with Federal or State dollars. Included in the Capital budget is a road program of $4,384,000 which is 93.6% funded with Federal and State dollars. Projects include: BroadwayN. Main St.Washington Ave.Promenade Federal BuildingRosenbaumsPark Improvement Grant