1 From 18 to 80:Thriving in the Multi-Generational Workplace David Remson Triangle Consulting
2 Goals: Understand the historical perspective of each generation. Understand the values and workstyle preferences of each generation. Identify strategies for more effective work relationships.
3 The Four Generations at Work WWII (Silents) Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials
4 Millennial Communication Strategies: When working with Millennials: Nurture them. Be open and friendly. Make it fast and fun. Give them opportunities for collaboration. If you are a Millennial: Strive for independence. Look for a mentor. Listen more, talk less. Learn to deal with conflict.
5 Gen X Communication Strategies: When working with Xer’s: Use technology. Get to the point. Be sincere. Problem solving orientation. Training. If you are an Xer: Engage with your team. Ask for what you need. Be patient with the process. Lighten up!
6 Boomer Communication Strategies: When working with Boomers: Friendly and welcoming. Inclusive. Give opportunities for feedback. Provide Acknowledgement. If you are a Boomer : Walk your talk. Don’t take it personally. Be sincere. A little less process…
7 Veteran’s Communication Strategies: When working with Veterans: Face to Face. Formal/chain of command. Linear/task oriented. Utilize the history they hold. If you are a Veteran: Share your history. Be a mentor. Stretch your “adaptor” muscles.
8 Generational Trivia Contest! 1.Born between 1960 and 1980, this generation faced recession and employee layoffs as they began entering the workforce. 2.This generation remains eternally optimistic and has made turning 50 fashionable. 3.This generation was raised to believe in sacrifice and service to the community. 4.This generation was born with computer technology in their genes. 5.Sally Field shouted, “you like me, you really like me” upon winning an academy award reflecting the desire of which generation? 6.“Just the facts, jack” reflects the preferred communication style of which generation? 7.“Whose in charge?” reflects the preferred work environment of which generation? 8.Two words, fast and fun, describes which generation? 9.“We want you to have a life” is a message that is essential to which generation? 10.“Tell me how you feel about this decision” is a message that works particularly well for which generation?
9 Generational Trivia Contest! 11.Let’s review who will work on which tasks” is a message this generation can relate to. 12..“Please come to me whenever you need to” is a message this generation will appreciate. 13.They secretly hope for a Beatles reunion. 14. They wish someone would tell the previous generation that two of the Beatles are dead. Identify an icon for each generation: Veterans (WWII):____________________________ Baby Boomers: ____________________________ Gen Xers: ____________________________ Millennials: ____________________________
10 Triangle Consulting David Remson “It’s not about them. It’s about you”