The Plus 50 Initiative American Association of Community Colleges Funded with a grant from Atlantic Philanthropies Place College Logo Here
I.Baby Boomers: Redefining Life After 50 II.The Pending Crisis: A Workforce Short on Experience III.The Plus 50 Initiative IV.What Our Community College Is Doing V.Reaching Out to Plus 50 Adults Presentation Overview
I. Baby Boomers: Redefining Life After 50 “The future ain’t what it used to be.” -Yogi Berra
The Demographic Revolution: It’s Here Our nation faces a demographic revolution as 78 million baby boomers enter their retirement years.
A baby boomer turns 50 every 7.5 seconds. Each day in 2008 – 10,000 baby boomers are turning age 62. Boomers Go Plus 50
Society’s Stereotypes About Aging Have Not Kept Up With Reality
Thanks to advances in healthcare, the traditional “third stage” of life has also expanded. Most baby boomers can expect to spend three decades in retirement. The New “Third Stage” of Life
Plus 50 adults want to stay actively engaged in the workplace, in education and in service opportunities. Not the Stereotypical Retirement
Plus 50 Adults Want Help Making These “Bonus” Years Productive 62% of baby boomers wish they were better prepared for retirement.
II. The Pending Crisis: A Workforce Short on Experience “In all probability, the single dominant factor in all developed and emerging countries will be population changes.” -Peter Drucker
A Workforce Short on Experience Just as in the general population, the workforce is aging. But it’s also shrinking in size – with fewer younger workers available to take the place of older ones who are leaving.
The Loss of Experienced Workers: The Impact
Business Has Not Sounded the Alarm Studies by AARP in 2001, 2005, and 2006 found a majority of American businesses are not yet preparing for an older workforce.
The Impending Cataclysm Number of younger workers is declining. Businesses don’t realize they need to adapt to the needs of older workers. Baby boomers are entering retirement years in greater numbers.
35% will work mainly for interest and enjoyment. 23% will work mainly for income. 17% want to start their own business. Plus 50 Adults: Staying on the Job
Most people ages 55 to 70 continue to work, either full or part time, for money or for personal fulfillment. Plus 50 Adults: Work on Their Terms
For Many: Not Working Is Not an Option Many people will stay in the workforce well into retirement age so they can maximize their Social Security benefits.
III. The Plus 50 Initiative
Innovative program reaching out to adult learners who are age 50 and up that is benchmarking standards of excellence among community colleges nationwide. What is the Plus 50 Initiative?
Plus 50 Learning
Plus 50 Training & Re-Training
Plus 50 Volunteering
Community colleges have a long-standing tradition of catering to the needs of non-traditional students. Community Colleges: Ideal for Plus 50 Outreach
Flexible scheduling. Shorter term courses. Non-degree learning experiences. Community Colleges: Ideal for Plus 50 Outreach
Leading advocate for the nation’s community colleges for more then 80 years. 95% of all public two-year colleges are members of AACC. Represents 1,195 community colleges with close to 12 million students annually. AACC is the voice for the largest and most diverse sector of U.S. higher education. Who is participating - AACC
Who is participating – Community Colleges
For More Information
IV. What Our Community College Is Doing
What Our Community College Is Doing Insert information about Plus 50 programs on your community college campus
V. Reaching Out to Plus 50 Adults
Deepening or Expanding Career Skills Retool vs. retire. If you cannot afford to retire, or choose not to, continuing education at community colleges enables you to hone new skills to stay in the workforce.
Deepening or Expanding Career Skills Lighten your load. Those who have spent a lifetime in manual labor are often ready for work that is less physically taxing. Community college education can help you gain skills to shift into new positions - even in your existing field of expertise - that put less wear and tear on your life.
Bridge the gap. If you feel the world has changed since the last time you were in a classroom, community colleges can help. Learn new skills or brush up on the subjects you need to understand to stay in high demand. Deepening or Expanding Career Skills
New horizons. After years of work experience, you might be ready to strike out on your own. Community college courses can teach you the entrepreneurial skills to start the business or venture you’ve always dreamed of. Deepening or Expanding Career Skills
Like-minded communities. At community colleges, building a network of contacts who share your interests and passions is as easy as getting to know your classmates. Community-Building & Service
A life that counts. Community colleges can sharpen your skills for taking on volunteer opportunities where you can do the most good—in serving others.
Community-Building & Service Catalyst for social change. Community colleges can harness and direct your talents and experiences to support and serve individuals and your community.
Reinvent yourself. Community colleges let you study new subjects and explore interests you may never have had an opportunity to learn before. Learning for Learning’s Sake
Get back to the subjects that get you going. Courses, professors, and peers at community colleges help you rekindle passions and interests you have always had but haven’t pursued in years.