Generations Defined Generation: A group of generally contemporaneous individuals regarded as having common cultural or social characteristics and attitudes
THE GREATEST GENERATION Named by Tom Brokaw “It is, I believe, the greatest generation any society has ever produced." Born
The Generation in one photo
Silent Generation Born during the depression all the way to the start of the World War II The Generation that fought in the Korean War and some also fought in the Vietnam War.
Baby Boomers 1942 (ish)-1964 Large population spike “The pig in the python” At the peak in 1957, a baby was born every 8 minutes in the U.S.
Baby Boomer Time Line World War II veterans return home from Europe and the Pacific in droves. The wounded had begun returning earlier. July 27, Korean War ends and veterans return home. May 17, 1954 – Supreme Courtdesegregates schools in Brown V Board of Education. Boomers are the first elementary school generation to attend integrated schools. June 23, The FDA approves an oral contraceptive, Enovid (The Pill), for sale in the U.S. – Vietnam War, the war boomers fought in and protested against. The average age of combat soldiers is 19. Summer The "Summer of Love" and the hippie counterculture of sex, drugs and rock n roll.
Time Line Continued Women's Liberation and the feminist movement begins. The oldest boomers are 22. August 15-18, Woodstock, a music festival in Bethel, New York takes place, where more than 400,000 people attended and more than 30 acts perform. December 1, The first Selective Service lottery since 1942 is held. The lottery is for armed forces inductees for Only males are eligible. September 14 is drawn first. The oldest the boomers are 23. January 22, 1973 – Roe V Wade makes abortion legal in the U.S. March 12, The last Selective Service lottery. The oldest boomers are 29. The system is suspended on April 1 and registration for the draft is suspended in January The year the U.S. divorce rate peaks. There are 2,331,000 marriages and 1,181,000 divorces, according to the U.S. Census, and the first of the boomers turn 33. Thirty years later, 39% of boomers have been divorced and the national divorce rate is declining.
Boomer Time Line July Selective Service registration is revived for all males born 1960 and later. The youngest of the boomers will be 16 by year's end. March 9, Legislation passes raising the retirement age, with full Social Security benefits, from 65 to 67 to begin in January 20, 1993 – Bill Clinton(August 19, 1946), is sworn in as the 42nd president of the United States, the first boomer in the White House. January 1, The first of the baby boomers turn 50. January 1, The first of the boomers turns 65. Approximately two-thirds of all seniors 65 and over and 60% of those have at least one chronic disease.
Boomer Terps RID founded 1964 at Ball State University. PL F.A.P.E Free and Appropriate Public Education. The Rise of Mainstreaming the start of the fall of Residential Schools Terps are almost exclusively community trained.
Generation X
Gen X The name was based on a book Generation X Tales of an acellerated Culture By Douglas Coupland There is also the sub generatation from called the MTV Generation
Gen X Traits Values Contribution Feedback and recognition Autonomy Attributes Adaptability Independence
Traits Continued Work style High-quality end results Productivity Balance between work and life—work to live not live to work Flexible work hours/job sharing appealing Free agents See self as a marketable commodity Comfortable with authority but not impressed with titles Technically competent Internal promotion Ethnic diversity
Gen X Terps The oldest accredited ITP still open started in 1979 at the University of New Hampshire Interpreting goes from Job to Career ADA passes opening up the profession. Introduction to “Book Learnin’ Interpreters”
Defining Events 1. Fall of the Berlin Wall 2. Challenger disaster 3. Energy crisis 4. Jonestown mass suicide 5. Rise of the personal computer 6. Watergate scandal 7. Lockerbie flight bombing 8. Three Mile Island meltdown 9. Corporate layoffs 10. Rodney King beating 11. Iranian hostage crisis 12. Stock market decline 13. Exxon Valdez oil tanker spill 14. Operation Desert Storm 15. Terrorism at the Munich Olympics
“As the expression goes, we spend our youth attaining wealth, and our wealth attaining youth.” ― Douglas Coupland, Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture
Millennials The Gen Y or “Millennials” label broadly applies to Americans born between 1978 and 2002.
Who are Gen Y and how does it affect me? They’re the fastest growing segment of the work force. The people we’re working with They’re the one’s hiring us. They make up a large portion of our clientele They’re the decision makers who we will be in charge in the next 20 years They are estimated to be the majority of the work force by 2025
Generation Y – according to the experts They are the generation that has been infused with the idea that they can be anything they imagine. They have accelerated this idea into a way of life. Their determination is to live their best lives now They're young, smart, brash. They may wear flip- flops to the office or listen to iPods at their desk. They want to work, but they don't want work to be their life.
Generation Screwed? Overall the young suffer stubbornly high unemployment rates—and an even higher incidence of underemployment The wealth gap today between younger and older Americans now stands as the widest on record. One key reason: their indebted parents are not leaving their jobs, forcing younger people to put careers on hold.
Diverse Origins Generation Y is the most diverse generation in history. Members are born to the most diverse mix of parents in history as well from teenagers to middle-aged moms who postponed childbearing to establish a career from Boomers to Xers. One third of this generation was born to single, unwed mothers. This generation is less white than any generation in our history
Gen X vs. Gen Y (core value differences) Generation Y Born 75 Million Celebrate Diversity Optimistic/realistic Self-Inventive/individualistic Rewrite the rules Killer Lifestyle Irrelevance of institutions Internet Assume technology Multitask fast Nurtured Friends = family Generation X Born 51 Million Accept diversity Pragmatic/Practical Self reliant/Individualistic Reject rules Killer life Mistrust institutions PC Use technology Multitask Latch-key kids Friends — not family
About Milliennal Workers High Expectations of Self High Expectations of Employers Fair and Direct Managers who are highly engaged in professional development Immediate Responsibility They want to make an important impact on Day 1 Goal Oriented They want small goals with tight deadlines so they can build up ownership of tasks Work/Life balance isn’t a buzzword They’re more interested in their careers accommodating their family and personal lives Will take lower paying jobs if ‘flexibility/tele-commuting’ is an option
More on Gen Y workers Change A generation of multi-taskers They don’t like to stay on any one project or at any one career or company for too long. Technology It’s assumed that your company will have everything they need They lean towards ‘virtual problem solving’. Feedback and Recognition Gen Yers have grown up getting constant feedback and recognition from teachers, parents and coaches They’ve been receiving trophy’s and awards just for participating since birth and can resent it or feel lost if communication from bosses isn't more regular. Previous generations have become accustomed to the annual review process and this isn’t enough for Gen Y’ers
Mentoring and Managing a Gen X vs. Gen Y Gen X - Mentoring Do’s Casual, Friendly work environment Involvement Flexibility and Freedom A place to learn Gen Y - Mentoring Do’s Structured, supportive work environment Personalized work Interactive relationships Constant feedback Flexibility Be prepared for demands, high expectations
On Being Green Because of their strong relationship with technology and the Internet, this generation is more aware of the world. Much higher incidents of volunteering and of non-profits started by people under the age of 30 A Survey done by CSSM of 2300 Gen Y’ers showed that 81% had volunteered within the last year. The same survey for Gen X showed that 13% had volunteered within the last year. A survey of over 260,000 students at 358 U.S. colleges and universities suggest that 66 percent of freshman believe it is essential to assist people in difficulty and found that feelings of civic and social responsibility were the highest that they have been in 25 years.
Characteristics They want to change the world, and they think they can do it. They want to tell you what they think and they expect you to listen to them. Work means more than a paycheck. They also want to make a difference. As the first generation to be born into the Internet Age, they are very tech savvy and like to use it while multitasking. The environment is very important to them. They feel their greatest contributions can be through their knowledge - not their wallets. They are our country’s most culturally diverse generation and want to live in diverse neighborhoods They think like entrepreneurs, but consider relationships more important than making money.
iDeaf Generation They are the combination of Gen X and Y The first generation mainstreamed Residential Schools have less of an impact on the community English’s bombardment of ASL is increased due to less native signers as language models
ADA They are the first generation with entitlements Interpreting as a career grows. ITP trained interpreters flood the profession. ITP trained interpreters change the existing interpreting culture with rules and structure often by being outsiders in the community
Technology Phone accessibility via relay services Video Phones Cell phones and portable communication devices. Social Media influences daily communication on a personal and professional level.