Get out… index card Writer’s Guide white board glove IF you do not have your Writer’s Guide, get a green packet from Mrs. Macauley- SIGN IT and DATE IT!
One of these sentences needs a comma. Rewrite the one that NEEDS it. INSERT the comma. Last week’s math test covered linear equations which was the hardest topic all year. Last week’s math test which was the hardest one all year covered linear equations.
Last week’s math test, which was the hardest one all year, covered linear equations. WHY: the adjective clause is in the middle of the sentence and is nonessential (not needed) in the sentence. See rule #10 in your Writer’s Guide. Last week’s math test covered linear equations which was the hardest topic all year. See NOTE on rule #10 in your Writer’s Guide.
If you know the comma rules, you can impress others. WHY: If a sentence starts with a subordinating conjunction, you will need a comma before the complete sentence. See rule #7 in your Writer’s Guide. You can impress others if you know the comma rules.
Rule #1: series This year I really learned a lot about sentence fluency, organization, and voice. Rule #2: no comma Students wrote papers on Emily Dickenson and Robert Frost and Dr. Seuss.
Rule #3: compound sentence I know there should be a comma when a sentence starts with a preposition, yet I often forget. Rule #4: two adjectives Persuasive writing requires a passionate, credible voice.
Rule #5: quotes Mrs. Macauley said, “It is okay to be wrong.” Rule #6: first words Of course, there will be a quiz on commas.
Rule #7: subordinating conjunction (SC) Participial Phrase (PP) While comma rules may be difficult, correct usage helps readers understand your ideas. Rule #8: direct address Students, please copy down the entire sentence.
Rule #9: transition More often than not, reading your paper aloud will help with sentence fluency. Rule #10: adjective clause Good word choice, which is subjective, can transform a paper.
Rule #11: appositive phrase Comma usage, part of the punctuation unit, will be the biggest section of the quiz. Rule #12: date The punctuation quiz is scheduled for May 10, 2011.
Rule #13: letter Dear Students, You can do this!!
I was born on March 6, 1971.
Rule # 12 date
Because of the rain, we had to cancel practice.
Rule #7 Subordinating Conjunction
The crabby, unpleasant woman scowled at us.
Rule #4 Two Adjectives
“Tell me your secret,” begged Angela.
Rule #5 Quotes
My dog, Boomer, ran through the screen door.
Rule #11 appositive
Well, I suppose you think you should get one too?
Rule #6 First Words
The mouse scurried across the kitchen floor, and the cat just watched.
Rule # 3 Compound Sentences
Sleeping soundly, Hank didn’t hear the thunder.
Rule #7 Participial Phrase
The fall leaves are a blend of the colors red, yellow, and orange.
Rule # 1 Series
Tanya yelled, “Watch out!”
Rule #5 Quotes
Son, you must clean up your room!
Rule #8 Direct Address
My soccer coach, who is my friend’s dad, taught me a lot.
Rule #10 Adjective Clause
Frightened out of her mind, Mindy covered her eyes during the movie.
Rule # 7 Participial Phrase
The friends met at the beach, swam in the lake, and built a sandcastle.
Rule #1 series
Gone With the Wind, the Pulitzer Prize winning book, sits on a shelf in my living room.
Rule #11 Appositive
Shockingly, the entire class completed the assignment on time!
Rule #6 First Words
When the sun finally came out, my mood improved.
Rule #7 Subordinating Conjunction
The store was giving out coupons which gave the customer 50% off!
Rule #10 Appositive Phrase (at the end of the sentence = no comma)
Complete worksheet You will need your Writer’s Guide. If you do not have one, you can download it via my writing wiki site.
One of these sentences needs a comma. Rewrite the one that NEEDS it. INSERT the comma. The baby has been crying since his mom left. Since his mom left the baby has been crying.