Introducing p.r.e.p.
Flashback to 1991: Females age birthrate was 62/1000 Flash forward to 2013: Females age birthrate was 26/1000 That’s a 58% drop! We’re done right? Source: Martin, J.A., Hamilton, B.E., & Ventura, S. J. (2015). Births: Final Data for Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. p.r.e.p.
In 1991, the population was 29 million. In 2013, population has grown to 38 million. That’s a 31% increase! 31% more teens having babies. Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census. Web: p.r.e.p.
47% of high school students of both sexes have had intercourse Result: over 38,000 births each year to teens in California ages Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013) High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data & National Vital Statistics System. Source: California Department of Health and Human Services p.r.e.p.
88% of those births are out of marriage ✷ Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013). National Vital Statistics System Of the 12% who do marry... 38% of those split-up by the child’s 5 th birthday ✷ Source: Ng, A., & Kaye, K. “Teen Childbearing, Single Parenthood, and Father Involvement.” Why It Matters, Oct p.r.e.p.
Why is this happening? p.r.e.p.
It’s a generational thing... Today’s teen parents are: Born from 1980-late 90’s p.r.e.p.
Characteristics of Millennials: Progressive views on... Interracial marriage Gay marriage Marriage/lack of marriage Source: survey p.r.e.p.
Source: survey
p.r.e.p. “Society is just as well off if people have priorities other than marriage and children ”
p.r.e.p. 65% of millennials agreed with that statement 50% are politically unaffiliated 29% are religiously unaffiliated Source: survey
p.r.e.p. Why does it matter?
p.r.e.p. Teen mothers are: Less likely to complete school More likely to be dependent on public assistance More likely to take low wage jobs Twice as likely as older mothers to feel depressed, lonely and fearful.
p.r.e.p. Problems: Higher dropout rates Higher poverty rates Reduced tax revenue Increased Medi-Cal and TANF expenditures An expanding child support caseload
p.r.e.p. TANF Expenditures: A typical single parent family receives 6k in government assistance per year. Source: Tabulations by Richard Bavier, based on U.S. Census Bureau March Current Population Survey SNAP alone costs 80 billion $$ a year. Source:
p.r.e.p. Effect on Caseload Source: County of Los Angeles, Child Support Services Statistic
p.r.e.p. Legislative Response: California Education code We must teach, at a bare minimum: Effective parenting Household finances and budgeting Other related skills
p.r.e.p. California Health Education Content Standard for grades 7-12 (goals): Responsibilities of parenting Healthy relationships Benefits when teenagers wait to become parents.
p.r.e.p. Effectiveness of p.a.p.a.: p.a.p.a. pre-test: 69% vs. approx. 80% post test 93% of teachers felt it was effective in teaching parentage 80% of teachers felt it should be taught prior to graduating high school Source: Texas Office of the Attorney General
p.r.e.p. Los Angeles County CSSD Response: Proactive approach (leadership) Studied p.a.p.a. (Texas OAG) Adapted p.a.p.a to produce p.r.e.p. Pilot with 5 keys & Back on Track
p.r.e.p. What is p.r.e.p? Parental Responsibility Education Program *10 week curriculum for students
p.r.e.p. Goal: To promote responsible parenthood and encourage the formation of healthy relationships & strong, stable families.
Gain an understanding of parental responsibility Identify the realities, costs, and legal consequences of parenting Explore if and when they would like to become parents in the future. Students will: p.r.e.p.
Curriculum: Teacher Guides Student Worksheets Handouts / Activities Short Video Clips (TBD) p.r.e.p.
Curriculum Sessions 1: What is a parent? 2: Establishing paternity 3: Benefits of Legal Fatherhood 4: The Cost of Parenting 5: Child Support
p.r.e.p. Curriculum Sessions 6: Parents Who Don’t Pay 7: Parenting as a Team 8: Love, Marriage and a Baby Carriage 9: Choosing Healthy Relationships 10: Recognizing Relationship Violence
Objectives: Lower dropout rates Lower poverty rates Increased tax revenue Decreased Medi-Cal and TANF expenditures Educated, engaged, paying caseload p.r.e.p.
Child Support Core Mission: Locate Parents Establish Paternity Establish Orders Collect Support Bubble Chart by OCSE
Child Support Core Mission Child Support Prevention Family Violence Collaboration Health Care Coverage Healthy Family Relationships Economic Stability Engagement of Fathers from Birth Bubble Chart by OCSE
Plan of Action Back on Track pilot / Juvenile Halls Local school districts via County Office of Education Distribute to other districts via LCSA’s Legislative buy-in State Office of Ed buy-in p.r.e.p.
p.r.e.p. Jeopardy PaternityChild Support Relationships
The unmarried biological father’s name may not go on the birth certificate until both parents fill out this document.
What is the Declaration of Paternity or POP Dec.
How effective is genetic testing? A. 0% B. 70% C. 99% D. 150%
How effective is genetic testing? A. 0% B. 70% C. 99% D. 150%
True or False? A married man living with his wife during conception is automatically considered the presumed legal father of the child. True
A parent has how many days to rescind the POP declaration if he or she changes his or her mind? A. 90 days B. 60 days C. 365 days D. it cannot be rescinded
A parent has how many days to rescind the POP declaration if he or she changes his or her mind? A. 90 days B. 60 days C. 365 days D. it cannot be rescinded
Generally speaking, what is the percentage of net income a non custodial parent must pay to support one child? A. 30% B. 100% C. 20% D. 25%
Generally speaking, what is the percentage of net income a non custodial parent must pay to support one child? A. 30% B. 100% C. 20% D. 25%
True or False? In California, parents are required to support their children until age 18 or high school graduation, whichever comes first. False
The state agency responsible for enforcing Child Support Laws in California A. The California Attorney General B. The California Health Department C. The California Department of Child Support Services D. The California Lottery Commission
The state agency responsible for enforcing Child Support Laws in California A. The California Attorney General B. The California Health Department C. The California Department of Child Support Services D. The California Lottery Commission
If you fall behind in your child support payments, the state can: A. Suspend your Driver’s License B. Intercept your lottery winnings C. Report a delinquency on your credit report D. All of the Above
If you fall behind in your child support payments, the state can: A. Suspend your Driver’s License B. Intercept your lottery winnings C. Report a delinquency on your credit report D. All of the Above
In relationships that involve violence, abusers are often looking for: A. Love and affection B. Power and control C. Sex D. Faithfulness from their partner
In relationships that involve violence, abusers are often looking for: A. Love and affection B. Power and control C. Sex D. Faithfulness from their partner
California’s domestic violence hotline received about _____ calls in A. 5,000 B. 10,000 C. 50,000 D. Over 100,000
California’s domestic violence hotline received about _____ calls in A. 5,000 B. 10,000 C. 50,000 D. Over 100,000
True or False? Nationwide, it’s estimated that as many as 10 million children witness domestic violence every year. True
Name 3 characteristics of a healthy marriage: Commitment Fidelity Acceptance of One Another Trust Intimacy, Love & Affection Shared Activities & Friendship Communication Conflict Resolution
“Personal responsibility and parental responsibility mean it’s not just about me the adult... it’s also about what’s in the best interest of children, communities, and future generations. “ -Sarah Brown
p.r.e.p. is now in session! Our teacher today is Mr. Loza
True or False? When a child is born to unmarried parents, the bio father automatically has the same rights as the bio mother.
Presumed Father Legal Father
Unmarried Father Legal Father
Questions Cynthia Martinez Mark Loza