“Millennials in Ministry: Keys to Maximizing Your Inter-generational Team By Dr. Jolene Erlacher
Why is inter-generational understanding so critical right now?
Renaissance Enlightenment Postmodernism Major Cultural Shifts
Shifting priorities for church and ministry As businessAs family Leaders as bossesLeaders as parents/friends Presentation/formalityIntimacy/informality ProgramsPeople Success as number of bodies/members Success as spiritual/personal growth BuildingsCommunity/relationships BudgetsService/outreach Ministry/job firstFamily/friends first
91% of Millennials ( ) employees don't expect to stay more than three years at any given job. (Future Workplace Survey) Starting in 2015, Baby Boomers will no longer be the majority of the workforce. The majority of the workforce will be Millennials, ages (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
44% of Generation X ( ) workers are reportedly actively disengaged, meaning they're planning to look for another job within the next 12 months. (Gallup) 1 in 3 young professionals under age 30 prioritize social media freedom over salary when choosing to accept a job offer. (Cisco Connected World Report)
For a company with 10,000 employees, the turnover costs for entry-level workers alone average $17.3 million. (Human Capital Institute) Four million American Baby Boomers ( ) retired this year. (Social Security Administration) 55% of executives don't have a process for conducting CEO succession planning (InterSearch Worldwide)
Silent: Born (Age 69-86) Boomer: Born (Age 50-70) Gen X: Born (Age 34-49) Millennials/Gen Y: Born (Age 19-33) Gen Z/Digital Natives: Born (Age 4-18) Generation Alpha: Born after 2010
Life cycle effects: Young people differ from older people, but may resemble them later in life. Period effects: Major events (war, economic decline, etc.) affect people differently based on location in life cycle. Cohort effects: Period events and trends that influence young adults as they are developing their core values. Taylor, Paul, and Scott Keeter, eds. “Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change.”Pew Research Center. February Web. 13 September 2010.
SilentBoomersXersMillennials Attitude w/ Authority Endure themReplace themIgnore themChoose them Role of Relationship SignificantLimited, usefulCentral, caringGlobal, 24/7 Value SystemConservativeSelf-basedMediaShop around Role of CareerMeans of livingCentral focusIrritantPlace to serve SchedulesMellowFranticAimlessVolatile TechnologyHope to outlive itMaster itEnjoy itEmploy it View of FutureSeek to stabilizeCreate it!HopelessOptimistic Elmore, Tim. Generation iY: Our Last Chance to Save Them. Atlanta: Post Gardener Publishing, 2010.
Millennial Traits Special/Entitled Sheltered/Programmed Confident (but fragile) Team-Oriented/Collaborative/Connected/Informed Pressured/Driven (Need to distinguish themselves; doing vs. being) Achieving (personal resume) Family-oriented (work/life balance)
What do Millennials want? To feel valued/special/appreciated To have authentic relationships (boss/colleagues) To receive constant feedback/affirmation/correction To be a part of something meaningful To feel like they are making a meaningful contribution To have flexibility/freedom To have opportunities for professional growth/promotion
What do Millennials need? Trusted mentors/coaches (good/bad cop) Affirmation of contributions, constant feedback Immediate constructive/corrective feedback Sincere explanation of “why” for processes and systems Role models of effective professional practices Advocates of their needs and perspectives to leaders Patient equipping and empowerment (sometimes in very “basic skills”)
Effective Intergenerational Leaders: Possess emotional intelligence!!! Ask good questions/listen!!! Understand differences in perspectives/values Educate team on those differences and their potential, foster team building and appreciation Create systems that help empower every group (options for rewarding performance) Maximize the strengths of an intergenerational team