HR Workforce Planning & Resourcing Toolkit Preparing for Tomorrow’s Workforce Today, at Least Risk & Cost to Your Organisation ©2015 Optimum Performance HR Consultants Sneak Preview
Fact: The combination of consistently low birth rates since world war two combined with rapidly increasing baby-boomer retirements is creating a global resourcing phenomenon. In many countries for the first time the number of people forecast to enter the workforce will be exceeded by those planning to leave it Fact: Strategic Workforce Planning now constitutes a critical management issue within those organisations seeking to ensure the ongoing availability of the right people at the right time, and at least cost and risk to the business Fact: In the vast majority of organisations we have worked with to date the Human Resources Department is neither equipped or resourced to unilaterally change this status – quo Conclusion: Astute organisations will embrace Workforce Planning as an integral component of the annual strategic planning process. Astute Human Resources Departments will find a way to rise to this challenge The Key Elements of Organisational Strategic Planning
Dispelling the Myths…… Despite what many Human Resources professionals may think Strategic Workforce Planning is not a complicated nor complex discipline to master. And contrary to what others may say, it does not require systems integration or a large up-front software investment in order to be effectively implemented. What it does require however is: - A knowledgeable, capable and engaged Human Resources Department; A dedicated resource, albeit not necessarily on a full-time basis; A well-structured, cross-functional steering committee incorporating all key-stake-holders; An integrated set of Excel Spreadsheets that can facilitate and automate much of the workforce forecasting process;
Our Simple Solution…. Welcome to our totally re-vamped HR Workforce Planning & Resourcing Toolkit. A comprehensive software package that enables every HR Department to facilitate effective Workforce Planning in their organisation at a price that they can afford! From just $1,995 you will receive: - A comprehensive Instruction Manual that will enhance your knowledge, understanding and professional acumen; An integrated set of Excel Spreadsheets that will produce detailed labour demand forecasts and costing models for designated departments and the corporation as a whole; An introductory tutorial program that will get you started and headed in the right direction;
Our Workforce Planning & Resourcing Instruction Manual Over 100 pages in length, our Workforce Planning & Resourcing Instruction Manual contains detailed guidelines, models, process maps template forms and costing models, all contained within the following eight modules
HR Workforce Planning and Resourcing Toolkit Inserting the divisions that you wish to use for Workforce Planning within your organisation
Division: Manufacturing Date: Prepared By: Workforce Planning Steering Committee Report: Approved Job Families Job FamiliesStarting Head-countSpecific Roles IncorporatedDelete Assemblers100 Technicians50 Supervisors30 Inserting the designated Job Families and starting FTE headcounts you wish to use within each Division HR Workforce Planning and Resourcing Toolkit
Establishing the key data you wish to capture & utilise as the basis for future Labour Demand Forecasting (To be incorporated into the Environmental Scanning Process) HR Workforce Planning and Resourcing Toolkit
Forecasting future workforce Headcount & Job Families for your preferred Workforce Planning timeframe (I.e. 1 to 3 years ahead)
HR Workforce Planning and Resourcing Toolkit Consolidating your individual Job Family forecasts into one overall Labour Demand forecast for each Division within your organisation
HR Workforce Planning and Resourcing Toolkit Identifying Labour Supply critical risk Job Families requiring specific interventions
Stephen Moore Founding Director Optimum Performance HR Consultants Hi there, thankyou for visiting our range of HR Management Toolkits and support services. We hope that you like what you see! In considering whether to place an order, there are a few things I thought you might like to know as follows:- All of our Toolkits/Support Tools have been hand-crafted, based upon custom design work we have previously undertaken with a diverse range of clients over the past 19 years They have not been designed to replace “the big end of town” but rather to provide every sized HR Department in every sized organisation with an opportunity to produce quality outcomes that will exceed CEO/Senior Management Team expectations at prices everyone can afford! We know that they are practical, that they are contemporary and that they are effective because our clients have told us so! Perhaps this is why they are currently utilised by hundreds of organisations in more than 20 countries around the globe! What are you waiting for?
Our Simple Solution…. Welcome to our totally re-vamped HR Workforce Planning & Resourcing Toolkit. A comprehensive software package that enables every HR Department to facilitate effective Workforce Planning a price that they can afford! From just $1,995 you will receive: - A comprehensive Instruction Manual that will enhance your knowledge, understanding and professional acumen; An integrated set of Excel Spreadsheets that will produce detailed labour demand forecasts and costing models for designated departments and the corporation as a whole; An introductory tutorial program that will get you started and headed in the right direction; Order your copy from our on-line shop now!