Hauling Systems
What Is a Hauling System? Combination of ropes and hardware assembled to form a mechanical advantage used to move a load from one point to another. Named for the amount of advantage it offers 3:1, 4:1, 9:1
Definitions Directional pulley: stationary pulley used to change the direction of pull on a rope Haul cam: camming device that secures the haul line to the load line Soft or hard Haul line: rope used to pull on Load line: obvious…
Definitions Mechanical advantage pulley: moving pulley that is attached to the load or haul cam that adds MA Piggyback system: Common name given to a 4:1 MA (it is two 2:1 MA systems piggy backed to each other) Ratchet cam: Holds the load line to keep from losing what you have gained with MA
Elements of Hauling System Cams Soft and hard Pulleys Single, double and knot passing (Kootney) Haul line Load line
3:1 Z Rig
4:1 Piggyback
5:1 Simple: Use two double pulleys
Hauling System Positions Haul team: runs haul line Ratchet tender: tends ratchet cam Team leader: gives commands Safety tender: operates Munter hitch Load watch: Communicates position of load to team leader
Commands Haul Haul slow Set Slack Stop!
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