THE “ELASTIC” GAME It’s something like jump rope. You need about 4,50 meters of an elastic band. Two players stand with feet slightly apart, have the rubber band placed beginning at the ankles and then in the calves, knees, mid-thighs hips and waist. A third player jumps. When they make mistakes, one of the two players who has the rubber band around his or her ankles, takes his place. You loose your turn when you fall while jumping or touch the band. There are different jumps/steps that you can use with the rubber band..
1. Jumping in and out of the band 3 times. 2. Jumping on the band, in and out for 3 times 3.Jumping in/out of the band, keeping it between your feet; then do it on both sides for 4 times 4. Keeping the band on your feed, jump in the middle and then out, letting the band go. 5. Keeping legs together with the band in the middle, jump out and into the middle, leaving the band behind. Examples of different jumps
The Elastic- Rubberband Game
HOPSCOTCH What you need To play you need some chalk to trace the marks on the ground and you can play anywhere: indoors, outdoors and even on sand; and a pebble, a piece of chalk or a small stick to throw.You must trace the playing field called “the bell” on the ground.You can trace different types of field on the ground. This one is where you can jump on each number, one at a time.
How to play To see who starts first you must do a count. You start behind box 1. The first person throws the pebble in the box marked with the number 1 and jumping on one foot you will pass through all the boxes ( skipping the box where the pebble is ). You can use 2 feet only on boxes 3-4 and 6-7. When you get to the boxes 6-7 you must turn around and go back to pick up the chalk you threw in box 1 and exit. You repeat the whole thing up to box 7 and exit. You loose your turn when the chalk you throw doesn’t get into the box that you wanted it to, or while you are jumping, you jump on a line or you fall and touch the ground with your hands. Then you start all over again. The winner is the person who succeeds in completing all in one way. Number of players: unlimited.
JUMP ROPE Jumping rope is very easy. All you need is a rope. You can jump rope in many ways: face to face, with two children who turn the rope. You can jump with your feet together, with your eyes closed, on one foot, criss-crossing the rope or you can even invent your own way.
MARBLES This game is played on a flat surface, normally on the ground. You need a small ball and marbles for each player. You have to dig a little hole in the ground. You can have as many players as you wish. The aim of the game is to launch the ball, hit the opponents marbles trying to get them into the hole or as close as possible. You loose your turn when you launch the ball and don’t hit an opponent’s marble. Every time you get an opponent’s marble into the pit, you get his marble. The winner is the person who collects most marbles.
THE RACING GAME WITH BOTTLE CAPS(from plastic bottles ) With bottle caps you can invent may alternative games just using imagination and skill. One alternative is to build or trace tracks on the ground or on sand and hitting the caps with your fingers and trying to reach the finish line before their opponents.