Jumping Rope By: Zainab Dar
Table of Contents Introduction Equipment/stuff Where to play How to turn the rope Rules Conclusion
Introduction This story is about jumping rope. I have had experience of jumping rope so I wanted to write about it. My story tells the reader how to turn the rope, where to play, equipment, and rules.
Equipment/stuff When you are jumping rope you will need a jump rope. You should want to play with at least more than 3 people so you could have a little bit more fun.
Where to play You should play at a place that’s a little bit big and space to turn and jump or maybe at a park that has space to jump rope and space for other people to jump rope.
How to turn the rope You should turn the rope in a circle and make sure each time you turn the rope it touches the floor and so it gives the person who is jumping a little time to jump.
Rules Do not get mad at people if they make a mistake you should let the person have one more chance. If someone messes up again and they are new you should give them one more chance.
Conclusion I hope you learned a lot about jumping rope. If you want to learn more you could search on Google and learn more. Hope you liked this book. I hope you share this book with other people as well.