Under Construction: Building Sentences with a Bubble Map Part 2
Start Your Bubble Map 1. Write your topic in the middle of a piece of paper. Things I like to do 2. Draw a circle or box around it. This will be the topic of your sentence.
Add Ideas to Your Bubble Map 3. Draw a line from your topic box for each idea. 4. Write one idea about your topic at the end of each line. 5. Draw a box or circle around each idea. Ride my bike Things I like to do These will be the ideas for your sentences. Jump rope
Add Details to Your Bubble Map question words 6. Use question words to help you think about things you can say about each idea. o My friends o My sister o My teacher WHO WHO do I like to jump rope with? WHEN WHEN do I like to jump rope? o During recess o On Saturdays o After school WHERE WHERE do I like to jump rope? o On the playground o On the sidewalk o In the park
Add Details to Your Bubble Map question words 6. Use question words to help you think about things you can say about each idea. o My mom and dad o My brother and sister o My friends WHO do I like to ride my bike with? WHEN do I like to ride my bike? o After school o On Saturdays o Before school WHERE do I like to ride my bike? o In my back yard o On the sidewalk o In the park
WHERE do I like to ride my bike? WHEN do I like to ride my bike? WHO do I like to ride my bike with? WHERE do I like to jump rope? WHEN do I like to jump rope? WHO do I like to jump rope with? Jump rope Add Details to Your Bubble Map Ride my bike Things I like to do 7. Draw a line from each idea box. 8. Write one answer for each of your questions at the end of each line. 9. Draw a circle around each detail. With my mom After school On the sidewalk These will be details that you can add to your sentences. Topic Idea With my friends On the sidewalk During recess
How many different sentences can you build?
Building a Sentence IDEAS DETAILS Use the pieces to fill-in different sentence structures. Jump rope Ride my bike With my mom After school On the sidewalk With my friends On the sidewalk During recess DETAIL I like to. IDEA DETAIL During recess jump rope with my friends
Building a Sentence IDEAS DETAILS Use the pieces to fill-in different sentence structures. Jump rope Ride my bike With my mom After school On the sidewalk With my friends On the sidewalk During recess DETAIL I like to. IDEA DETAIL during recess jump ropewith my friends
Can you make 2 different sentences from this bubble map? WHERE do I like to ride my bike? WHEN do I like to ride my bike? WHO do I like to ride my bike with? WHERE do I like to jump rope? WHEN do I like to jump rope? WHO do I like to jump rope with? Jump ropeRide my bike Things I like to do With my mom After school On the sidewalk Topic Idea With my friends On the sidewalk During recess
DETAIL I like to. IDEA Sentence Building Challenge! Use the bubble map to make two sentences. Use each detail one time. IDEAS DETAILS Jump rope Ride my bike With my mom After school On the sidewalk With my friends On the sidewalk During recess jump ropewith my friends
IDEA DETAIL I like to. IDEAS DETAILS Jump rope Ride my bike With my mom After school On the sidewalk With my friends On the sidewalk During recess jump rope on the sidewalk Sentence Building Challenge! Use the bubble map to make two sentences. Use each detail one time.
The sentences we made are… – During recess I like to jump rope with my friends. – I like to jump rope on the sidewalk. We used a bubble map to make two different sentences. We used each detail one time. Sentence Building Challenge!
Find a partner or work alone. Use a bubble map to build two sentences. Use each detail one time. Sentence Building Challenge! Can you build two different sentences with a bubble map?
Building a Sentence 1.Make the bubble map into a puzzle. 2.Choose one idea: Jump rope or ride my bike. 3.Use the pieces to fill-in different sentence structures. IDEASDETAILS Jump ropeRide my bike With my mom After school On the sidewalk With my friends On the sidewalk During recess
Building a Sentence IDEAS DETAILS Use the pieces to fill-in different sentence structures. Jump rope Ride my bike With my mom After school On the sidewalk With my friends On the sidewalk During recess IDEA DETAIL I like to. IDEA DETAIL I like to. DETAIL I like to. IDEA I like to. DETAIL IDEA DETAIL
What sentences did you build? Let’s hear your examples.