Nikki Jones and Diana Fedderman Department of K-12 Curriculum
Florida is transitioning from FCAT Writes (assessing NGSSS) to PARCC (assessing Common Core State Standards) in 3 years. To prepare students for the rigorous writing tasks within PARCC, the DOE will institute changes to FCAT Writes each year. Changes for next year include new purpose- specific rubrics utilizing the language of Common Core.
Responses will continue to be scored holistically as draft writing, but scoring will be more stringent. Responses earning scores of 4 or 5 must generally follow the conventions of sentence structure, mechanics, usage, punctuation, and spelling. To earn a score of 6, sentence structure must be varied, and few, if any, errors will occur in mechanics, usage, punctuation, and spelling.
Spelling (of grade level appropriate vocabulary) Complete sentences (other than purposeful fragments) Subject-verb agreement Capitals End punctuation Basic comma usage
Scoring will include increased attention to the quality of details, requiring use of relevant, logical, and plausible support, rather than contrived statistical claims or unsubstantiated generalities. The quality of the support depends on word choice, specificity, depth, relevance, and thoroughness. Responses earning high scores must include specific and relevant supporting details that clarify the meaning, i.e., the point of the paragraph or the central theme of the response. Rote memorization or overuse of compositional techniques, such as rhetorical questions, implausible statistics, or pretentious language, is not the expectation for quality writing at any grade level.
Do Not Use: Contrived hooks Faulty statistics/expert opinions Overtly contrived anecdotes Pretentious language
Each student will receive two papers: planning sheet and a writing folder. This year, students will sign a pledge located on the back top of planning sheet.
Check EDW to ensure accuracy of data. Palm Beach Writes Summary-RTSCW0147 Palm Beach Writes – RTSCW0146 Read a sampling of essays to monitor student progress. Identify students that need additional support. Structure and align pull-outs and tutorials that support classroom instruction. Ensure communication occurs between teachers, coaches, and outside support. Visit classrooms to monitor writing instructional practices.
FCAT Writes 2.0 Calibration sets are available on the DOE website as well as Learning Village. Though previous years’ anchor sets remain available, please use with caution as they reflect the scoring standards for FCAT Writes.
Students write EVERY DAY (weekly timed and daily untimed). Teachers read students’ writing EVERY DAY. Determine areas of individual needs Look for trends or patterns across the class Teach strategic minilessons based on needs. Utilize calibration guides (scoring/examples and non- examples). Pull children together for small group with one teaching point. Confer with individual students. Provide prescriptive feedback, document, and monitor progress.
Document the feedback you provide to each student. Teaching point Compliment Next steps Use the notes for future planning and instruction. Provide students with a written reminder of the compliment and teaching point.
Have students create two column page in the back of their notebooks or portfolios to record the date and the teaching point. They should periodically refer back to these points to check that they are applying them to their writing.
Read your notebook and your folder or portfolio of work. This will remind you of what you have already written about. There may be a story or essay idea, entry, or draft that sparks an idea for your prompt topic. Think how topics can be angled for narrative or expository prompts.
Borrow another person’s experience Use an experience seen on TV or in a movie Use an experience from a book
Plan for every piece. Decide on and stick to a planning tool. Work between your plan and draft, marking off on your plan as you draft.
Narrative Expository
I was in gym class and we had to climb the rope. I didn’t want to do it because I was scared. It was my turn. The coach said I had to do it. I walked up to the rope and started climbing. When I reached the top I was happy that I made it. I slid down. Summary of Events
The coach said, “It’s your turn, Suzie.” I don’t want to do this, I thought. I slowly walked across the gym floor. My heart was beating like a drum in my chest, and a look of worry spread across my face as my eyes looked up at the top of the rope on the ceiling. I dipped my hands in chalk and blew off the extra. I placed one hand on the rope and then the other. I just stood there. I felt like everyone was watching. “Hook your legs around the rope,” coach said. I pulled on the rope and swung my legs around. I let go with one hand and grabbed higher as I gripped the rope with my knees. Over and over I pulled my body up and gripped the rope with my arms as I slid my legs up, swinging wildly. I moved higher and higher. ”I’m doing it!” I thought. Step by step, inch by inch. “Suzie, touch the ceiling!” my friend Jane yelled. I looked up. Sure enough there was the ceiling right above my head. I reached out my hand and touched the ceiling. When I looked down all my classmates looked like little ants. A grin spread out on my face and I pumped a fist in the air in celebration. “Yes, I did it!” I screamed. DialogueShow Don’t Tell Tiny ActionsInternal Thoughts Similes
I like to go to school because it’s fun. I have a great time at school. At school we do a lot of very awesome and fun things. The teacher always teaches us good things. I also have a fun time at recess. School is a very fun place to be. Limited Support
Bare Extended I like to go to school because it is fun, especially when the teacher lets us play games at recess. We play kickball, tag, and hula hoops. We run and jump and talk with our friends and get to know them. We usually go out for recess after lunch, but sometimes in the morning after math. Yesterday, we played Mrs. Jones class in kickball and I scored the run that would give us a 6-4 victory. It’s a known fact that students need exercise to stay focused in school. reason explanation Layered Support Strategies ReasonExplanationEvidenceAnecdotesFactsLists
Get to the heart (the most important part) and expand it with skills and strategies from your writer’s toolbox. Pause and reread once in awhile. Check to be sure your story or essay: is easy to read (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, paragraphing) is well supported (relevant and specific details, precise word choice)
Give it a final read: Revising for meaning by: Adding, deleting, and changing words and information Editing for conventions by: Correcting spelling Adding or revising punctuation Correcting capitalization
Hold students accountable by having them to: Try out a variety of strategies (types and layers of support, leads, endings, transitions) Check the spelling of high frequency words Phonetically spell higher level vocabulary words Correct the use of grammar, punctuation, and capitalization (checklist, personal word walls, etc.) Write everyday and self-monitor what they are working on: date each page and list the strategy they were working on refer back to conference notes
Learning Village Test-Taking unit Tutorial Links Calibration Guides (Narrative & Expository) Professional Development Area-based Training, Lead Teacher Meetings, Writing Coach and Contact Training, and School-based Training Topics Already Covered this Year: FCAT Writing Updates Scoring and Analyzing Writing Working with Struggling and Advanced Writers Common Core State Standards for K and 1 st Convention Instruction Features of Narrative Features of Expository and other Nonfiction Genres Test-taking Skills and Strategies
Using grade specific standards and The Continuum of Literacy Learning, each grade level identifies: What genres they will take through the entire writing process? What craft techniques they will teach? What conventions they will teach? Each grade level sends a representative to a K-5 cross grade level meeting to: ensure all genres have been taught build upon skills and strategies year-to-year to prevent re-teaching add in any content not specified in the standards or continuum
Nikki Jones K-5 Office: Diana Fedderman 6-12 Office: