THE BOSU BALL By: Ryan Schubert, Michael Justice, Chris Kulik, and Jessica Parker
WARM UP ExerciseSetsDuration Jumping Jacks130 seconds Jump rope (2 feet)130 seconds Jump rope left foot130 seconds Jump rope right foot130 seconds Jump rope alternating130 seconds Jog in place130 seconds
Psychomotor Skills Crossing the Midline Activates both sides of the brain. Helps kids determine their dominant hand. Helps tune fine motor skills. Both sides of the body get equal practice developing skills. Throwing and Catching Throwing (trunk rotation) is crossing the midline. Also helps determine dominant hand. Increases hand-eye coordination.
Fitness Squat Helps build the muscle stabilizers in your legs Builds leg muscles such as quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, etc. Push-ups Helps build the muscle stabilizers in your arms and shoulders. Builds muscles in the upper body including biceps, triceps, pectorals, deltoids, etc. Crunches Strengthens the core muscles in your body. Planks Also strengthens the core muscles in your body. Works on shoulder stability
ExerciseSetsDurationTime in Between Squats31030 seconds Push –ups31030 seconds Crunches31030 seconds Planks220 seconds30 seconds
Cool Down ExerciseSetsDuration Right arm over left seconds Left arm over right seconds Touch your toes seconds Hip flexor stretch (left, right) seconds Standing quad stretch (left, right) seconds Butterfly seconds Straight leg sit down stretch (left, right) seconds
Have a good workout!!!