W4MLB 2A SFL PCARS 2012 FIELD DAY Wickham Park - Melbourne, FL
K4PX with TH-3jr
Operating pavilion and BEARS-1
KD4HHF assembling antennas
Friday eve GOTA & SSB beams
Friday eve CW tower & beam
Sat morning raising GOTA TA-33jr on 40 ft pushup pole
I don't think it is straight yet!
Raising CW TA-33jr to the 40 ft level
OK, I think we have it now
AF4Z explains how light weight tower is raised
CW beam and 80-40M dipole antennas
Eric K9ES and Tim KI4TG run coax for the CW station
Jan & Gary prepare pushup pole for the 6M antenna
K3VN provided tripods for the pushup poles
OK, I think we have it now
Al and Jan took these tripods to S. Georgia Isle (VP8SGP) in 1995
Chris WF3C installing guy rope anchors
Chris & Jan raising Don's homebrew 6M PVC Quad
Construction of HB 6M quad was demonstrated as our FD project
Kathy KI4RQY directs straightening the 6M quad pushup pole
Brian N4ADE and Danny KE4OZD install wire antennas
Jim NN4AA made a 10 GHz contact - very rare for FD
SSB beam at 45' on aluminum tower is a beauty
Glenn KD2JA set up his RV station on 144 & 432 SSB & CW
Al K3VN and grandaughter Annahlia KJ4UQR set up the satellite station
AMSAT provided info about amateur radio satellites
Al & Annahlia operating Satellite- it was a difficult but made the contacts
Satellite antenna was rotated to track satellites
AMSAT provided info about amateur radio satellites
GOTA station had PSK-31, SSB and CW capabilities
Brian N4ADE coaches Juan KK4GRR on the GOTA station
Brian helps Armando Santamaria make his first radio contact
KT4FY & WF3C attempted to network SSB & CW stations. KT4FY & WF3C attempted to network SSB & CW stations.
KT4FY & WF3C attempted to network SSB & CW stations KT4FY & WF3C attempted to network SSB & CW stations
BEARS-1 was used for CW, 6 meter & 2M FM stations. It also provided power for all stations
Jan K4QD and Glenn KD2JA take a turn on the SSB station Jan K4QD and Glenn KD2JA take a turn on the SSB station
Our information table had brochures and a sign-in sheet where about 90 people registered Our information table had brochures and a sign-in sheet where about 90 people registered
Setting up CW Station on BEARS-1 dinette.
Jerry KJ4IMP supported BEARS-1. He patched in the various radios to antennas via the patch panel
AD4ES & K9ES operated much of the CW.JPG
The Amateur TV station in BEARS-1 was demonstrated to many visitors
John AB4ET operated 6M and 2M FM in BEARS-1
Chef John KD4HHF organized another great cookout
Dave KG4KFF helped John with the cooking. Dave KG4KFF helped John with the cooking.
There was plenty of food for all..
Steve and Juan kept the SSB station on the air while others ate - such dedication
A well deserved chow break A well deserved chow break
It was nice to have plenty of room to eat
Jim NC4H and XYL enjoy dinner while Al and XYL still try for that elusive satellite contact
Even Eric took a break from the CW station to eat Even Eric took a break from the CW station to eat
Doug KK4DOE with coach Glenn KD2JA worked the GOTA station throughout the night
Al K5TAN a heavy duty CW op in past years stopped by to visit during the night Al K5TAN a heavy duty CW op in past years stopped by to visit during the night