JAM E SALAM This game consists in reaching and concluding a path. Those who take part in it have to draw on the street eight squares numbering them from one to eight. The player throws a stone on the number one, then they have to jump on one leg and have to go throw the path without either putting the other leg on the floor or touching the lines that sign it. After having finished it he has to launch the stone on the following number. The turn ends when a player misses or mistakes in throwing in the stone or on the other number. The winner is he who goes throw it first.
PITRU’DD (little stones) It is played with five stones and there are six levels. The game consists in throwing one stone in the air(about cm) and picking another one before the one in the air returns in your hands ; you carry on until you finish all the stones in the hand you must have all five of them.
CARRETTONE The game is a home made “car” made with some pieces of wood to form the body of it; with some small wheels and a rope as steering wheel. the race takes place downhill, do you want to know how to brake ? with your feet or if you aren’t afraid of the hospital, you can stop next to a wall.
MAZZAJULO The game consists in hitting with a stick, previously made, a little piece of wood which has its ends as a pyramid. When it is hit on the end, it jumps in the air and in the meantime, before it touches ground you must hit it to launch it far. The winner is he who hits it further.