Dictation practice 6th Form Ms. Cecilia
The Great Houdini Harry Houdini ( ) was the most famous escape artist in the world. He was born in Hungary but his family moved to the USA when he was four.
As a child, he had to work to help his family- he sold newspapers, cleaned shoes and performed tricks for money. He was only nine when he gave his first public show.
Houdini’s most famous acts were escapes. He could open locks and handcuffs without a key. He learnt to open locks when he couldn’t get an apple pie from his mother’s locked cupboard!
He escaped from boxes, underwater tanks and prisons all over the world. Once he escaped from a straitjacket when he was hanging on a rope from a high building.
END Many people tried to copy him but they couldn’t do his tricks. One man drowned when he was trying to escape from a milk tank.