R I T Paul Strong Valley Regional Fire Authority
Walk-A-Way's 1.Communication 2.Crew Integrity / Safety 3.Air Management
Communication Within the crew 3 or 4 person crew 1.Everything spoken must have meaning to the assignment 2.Everything spoken must be paid attention to 3.Follow the chain (Talk to the person in front/behind you instead of yelling out if possible)
Communication With the victim Firefighter #1 initiates contact / communication –Assess their life threatening needs first –Assess their physical and mental situation Firefighter #2 assists FF #1 Firefighter #3 assists FF #2
Communication With the victim Mental / Psychological situation of victim Will the victim be helpful in their rescue? Will the victim be a hindrance in their rescue? Ref: Brett Tarver, Phoenix Fire Dept.
Brett Tarver As many of you know, March 14, 2001, was a day that was marked with tragedy for the American Fire Service. Firefighter/Paramedic Brett Tarver lost his life while battling a blaze in the Southwest Supermarket in Phoenix, Arizona. Despite the activation and concerted efforts of Rapid Intervention Companies (RIC), Tarver did not survive. Not only to pay homage to his memory, but also to prevent similar catastrophes, the Phoenix Fire Department dedicated a great deal of time towards researching and evaluating the RIC concept. Their efforts resulted in the conclusion that “rapid intervention is not so rapid.” Some very troubling statistics were found. For example: A 3,000 psi air bottle will last an average of minutes. From the time that the firefighters called for a “Mayday” until they were successfully removed from the building was 21.8 minutes. The number of firefighters it took to complete the rescue was 12 firefighters.
Crew Integrity / Safety Safety is everybody’s responsibility… Crew integrity and safety is the responsibility of the Officer… Director of the assignment Looks at the big picture Pays attention to firefighters Air manager
Air Management Calculation example Team Air (4500, 4200, 4350) = 4200 psi 4200 – 1000 (Bell rings) = 3200 psi (Working air) 3200 / 2 = 1600 psi (1/2 of your working air) 4200 – 1600 = 2600 psi 2600 psi = Condition Evaluation (Appx. Halfway through your working air)
Air Management Condition Evaluation How hard is your team working? How far are you from your egress? What are the fire, smoke, and heat conditions? What is the condition of the structure? Have you accomplished your objective? Will you need your remaining team air just to exit? Can you continue working and perform another condition evaluation shortly?
Air Management Calculation Team Air (4500, 4200, 4350) = 4200 psi 4200 psi = 27 y/o marathon runner 4350 psi = 50 y/o in decent shape 4500 psi = 42 y/o recliner potato Air Managers (Officers) - Know Your People !
Initial RIT Deployment What is your function? Quick ingress to Last known location If you reach the down FF… Assess life threatening needs Assess other needs A.W.A.R.E. Shelter in place Extrication anticipation/requirements
Initial RIT Deployment What is your function? If you reach the down FF… But cannot quickly extricate Call for additional RIT to assist You may be the sheltering RIT - Build a cache of supplies
Initial RIT Deployment What is your function? If you can’t reach the down FF… Set the next RIT up for success Blaze the trail as far as you can before you make your egress survival turn
Initial RIT Deployment What is your function? Quick ingress to last known location Anticipate your needs –Additional RIT –Bottles –Tools –Hoselines –Rope –Etc. Call for a Recon on the exterior for possible alternate access
RIT Tools Hand tools ~ ~ ~ Power tools
RIT Tools When assigned to and setting up for RIT… Fill up your tarp with the tools that make sense. The idea is to move your tools into a more readily available position
RapidInterventionTeams Will take calculated risks Will use risk/benefit
RapidInterventionTeam It is not your job to make poor decisions!
When you are the victim 1.Lost 2.Trapped 3.Injured 4.Major equipment malfunction 5.Etc.
MAYDAY Call Early (Time is of the essence) Give specific / detailed information Plain language if necessary
Lost (You called a MAYDAY, now what?) Drop a glow stick and Shelter in place or Find exterior wall (Break window, breech wall, tap on wall)
How do you know if you are on an exterior wall?
Trapped (You have called a MAYDAY, now what?) What are your choices? Do nothing Shelter in place conserve air tap on wall, floor, etc. pass device (Consider communication limitations)
Trapped (You have called a MAYDAY, now what?) What are your choices? Self extricate Physical labor faster air consumption rate Consider amount of work involved Risk (of running out of air) Vs. Benefit
Keep Calm Think Plan Act
Conclusion If you are assigned RIT: Prepare for the worst – Tool set Prepare for the worst – Knowledge (360) Effective communication skills Use proper air management Know your people (Crew integrity/Safety)