Urban Wildlife Management PEWH Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Program
Urban Wildlife Management Plan 4 Students learn how to evaluate, improve or create small areas of wildlife habitat for selected species which may live near areas of human development.
Why This Event Is Of Value 4 Students learn that although many people live in or near urban development they can still enjoy backyard wildlife. 4 Loss of habitat threatens many species. 4 They learn that urban wildlife have the same basic habitat needs. 4 Participants “get a taste” of landscape design with an emphasis on preserving habitat for wildlife.
Urban Areas to Evaluate 4 Urban landscapes include seven categories. –1. Urban forests –2. Corridors –3. Neighborhood parks, school grounds, and golf courses –4. Vacant land and open areas –5. Residential homes –6. Apartment and business lots –7. Inner city
Urban Wildlife Species 4 The species to be considered will be selected from a list of 16 animals, which are adapted and can survive near human development. 4 Robins, Butterflies, Cottontails, Fox Squirrels, Frogs, House Finches, House Sparrows, House Wrens, Hummingbirds, Common Nighthawks, Flickers, Raccoons, Pigeons, Sparrows, Starlings, & Bluebirds
Urban WMP’s - Event 4 Wildlife Management Map (10 points) –Draw a diagram of the site showing wildlife habitat and landscape features. 4 Wildlife Management Plan (20 points) –Write a one page management plan to explain your habitat recommendations. 4 Team event - all 4 team members work together 4 Time- 1 hour to complete
Materials Provided 4 Project site with well-marked boundaries 4 Field Condition Sheet –Landowner Objectives –Target species –Sketch of site showing existing features –Scale of sketch map –Special considerations (cats, children, etc.) 4 Tools: colored pencils, grid paper, symbol diagram, paper
Urban Habitat Needs 4 Food –target species, seasonal availability, natural vs. artificial, hazards 4 Water –location, depth, aquatic plants 4 Shelter –nesting, resting, hiding and predator protection 4 Corridors –travel and safety
Urban Practices 4 Brush piles 4Corridors 4Nesting boxes 4Plant food plots 4Plant mast trees 4Pond construction 4Water control structure 4Wildlife damage management
Additional Urban-Only Practices 4 Do not disturb nesting areas 4 Plant flowers 4 Rooftop / balcony gardens 4Use pesticide carefully
Example From 99 National Event 4 Area: Park surrounding the Student Center on the Kansas State Univ. campus. 4 Objectives: –The manager of the Center is a member of the Audubon Society and would like to see more Northern flickers and House wrens on the grounds. –The President of KSU is a mammalogist and would like to provide habitat for cottontails, fox squirrels, and raccoons.
Example (continued) 4 Special Considerations –The stream has a tendency to dry up during hot summers. –The starling population has been increasing during the last five years. –The Center wishes to maintain a visually- pleasing landscape while promoting wildlife.
The Makings Of A Good Plan –Restate the management objectives. –Identify the target species. –Determine which practices benefit each species.
CONTINUED –Make an assessment of the current condition of the site. –Justify why you did or did not change existing vegetation. –Discuss conflicts and compromises. –How will you evaluate your success.
Things to Consider 4 Aesthetics : Does it make an attractive landscape? 4 Arrangement: Is the food near cover, etc. 4 Vertical habitat layers: grass, shrubs, trees 4 Access and human traffic: trails, fences, etc. 4 Timing: growth of vegetation, blooming or fruiting season 4 Plant characteristics: deciduous/ evergreen, annual/ perennial
Training the Team 4 First must memorize the Urban Chart 4 Organize a pattern or system for plan development 4 Practice writing using correct terminology 4 Writing and drawing should be neat and legible 4 Practice on a variety of urban sites 4 Learn to work as a team and respect others opinions
Everyone has an opinion….. 4 “Why did the chicken cross the road?” –Captain Kirk: To boldly go where no chicken has gone before. –Einstein: It’s relative, the road actually moved under the chicken. –Darwin: Over great periods of time, chickens have been naturally selected to do this. –Cowboy: To prove to the armadillo that it could be done! –Colonel Sanders: Golly, I missed one!