Livestock & Wildlife Interaction
Interactions NegativePositive It Depends on….?
Potential Positive Impacts Proper management Maintain water quality Improve forage quality for wildlife Manage Habitat and cover for wildlife Increased wildlife populations NRCS photo
Potential Positive Impacts Improved Forages Small mammal & upland game birds Energy-rich seeds Vegetation Cover Forbs Grasshoppers
Potential Positive Impacts Improved Habitat Grazing – patchy, mosaic pattern Feeding, nesting, and hiding sites Encouraged establishment of shrubs Ground squirrels and small rodents Birds of prey Selective grazing Create travel corridors Remove rank grass NRCS photo
Potential Negative Impacts Improper Grazing Reduced nest sites for upland game and waterfowl Decreased water quality Trampled nests for waterfowl Disturbed big game during fawning Reduced cover that permits wildlife to hide from predators
Properly Managed Grazing Create patchy habitat with high structural diversity. Open up dense vegetation canopies Reduce range course grass & improve quality Stimulate browse production by reducing grass biomass Use livestock to manage weeds and fire risk Create bare ground for feeding, dusting, and display areas
“Irresponsible Grazing” Reduce nest sites for upland game birds & wildlife Trample nest Disturb big game during fawning Reduce wildlife hiding cover Reduce forage for ungulates Reduce floral diversity Attract predators, parasites, or disease
A few good examples Cattle --- Mountain Plovers & Dove Cattle & Sheep --- Upland Game Birds Cattle -- Elk & Deer Fall Forage Quality Horses & Cattle -- Winter/Spring Shrubs Goats to reduce dense oak brush
Effects of Ranches on Wildlife Water Fences Large blocks of land Weed control Disturbance
Grazing systems can: Use strategic rest or deferment to improve nesting cover Remove livestock from fawning areas to reduce disturbance Heavy stock in some pasture to create “weedy” patches Stocking other pastures with moderate rates to create high quality regrowth