Presented to: 32nd Annual Airport Conference Hershey, PA By: Patricia Henn, AIP/PFC Program Manager Date: March 4, 2009 Federal Aviation Administration Wildlife Management Funding Options AIP Eligibility of Wildlife Hazard Assessments, Wildlife Management Plans and Projects
Federal Aviation Administration 2 Wildlife Management Funding Options March 4, 2009 Reference Order FAA Order C Airport Improvement Program Handbook ders/media/aip_5100_38c.pdf
Federal Aviation Administration 3 Wildlife Management Funding Options March 4, 2009 FAA Order C AIP Handbook Chapter 4. Planning Projects Section 1. Planning Project Scope and Eligibility 406. MASTER PLANNING ELEMENTS. s. “… Wildlife hazard assessments and wildlife management plans required under FAR Part 139 are eligible whenever airport development actions may result. …”
Federal Aviation Administration 4 Wildlife Management Funding Options March 4, 2009 FAA Order C AIP Handbook Chapter 5. Airfield Construction and Equipment Projects Section 5. Safety, Security, and Related Projects 547. SAFETY, SECURITY, AND RELATED FACILITIES. f. Fencing. “… fencing to discourage the access of wildlife, such as deer, to the airfield or terminal building are eligible, although the specific location, extent, type, and height must be designed for the purpose intended based on requirements for restraining the targeted animals.”
Federal Aviation Administration 5 Wildlife Management Funding Options March 4, 2009 FAA Order C AIP Handbook Chapter 5. Airfield Construction and Equipment Projects Section 9. Aviation Hazards and Environmental Mitigation 584. WILDLIFE HAZARDS. “If wildlife hazards have been determined to exist (or may result because of planned construction or airport expansion) under procedures of Advisory Circular 150/ , capital improvements to reduce the hazard within the airport boundary are eligible provided the actions will be designed to produce long-term solutions.”
Federal Aviation Administration 6 Wildlife Management Funding Options March 4, 2009 FAA Order C AIP Handbook Chapter 5. Airfield Construction and Equipment Projects Section 9. Aviation Hazards and Environmental Mitigation 584. WILDLIFE HAZARDS. a. Habitat Modification. Removal of wildlife attractants through improving airport drainage, elimination or modification of man-made structures used by birds for nesting or roosting, purchase of contiguous land or easements, or modification of the habitat, are eligible. APP- 520 shall be consulted prior to programming any items in this subparagraph.
Federal Aviation Administration 7 Wildlife Management Funding Options March 4, 2009 FAA Order C AIP Handbook Chapter 5. Airfield Construction and Equipment Projects Section 9. Aviation Hazards and Environmental Mitigation 584. WILDLIFE HAZARDS. b. Bird Hazard Reduction Equipment. Acquisition of equipment for bird patrols and wildlife hazard reduction on or adjacent to an airport is eligible. This includes cassette tape decks and public address systems for broadcasting distress calls, exploding gas cannons, shotguns, and pyrotechnic pistols.
Federal Aviation Administration 8 Wildlife Management Funding Options March 4, 2009 FAA Order C AIP Handbook Chapter 5. Airfield Construction and Equipment Projects Section 9. Aviation Hazards and Environmental Mitigation 584. WILDLIFE HAZARDS. c. Ineligible Items. Expendable items such as the shotgun shells, chemicals, and pyrotechnic devices (other than pistols) are not eligible. Airport operations vehicles associated with wildlife control are ineligible.
Federal Aviation Administration 9 Wildlife Management Funding Options March 4, 2009 FAA Order C AIP Handbook Chapter 5. Airfield Construction and Equipment Projects Section 9. Aviation Hazards and Environmental Mitigation 586. WETLANDS. Wetland projects may be associated with separate justification related to wildlife hazards… See Paragraph 584 …. In addition, similar wetland mitigation projects may be a requirement for coastal zones, endangered species, floodplains, and other environmental impacts included within the environmental documents for airport development.
Federal Aviation Administration 10 Wildlife Management Funding Options March 4, 2009 Questions and Answer Session Questions ?