Wildlife Management Mr. Goggins
What is wildlife? -Any animal, plant, that is not domesticated. “The practical ecology of all vertebrates and their plant and animal associates”
Wildlife Management “Application of ecological knowledge to wildlife populations in a manner that strikes a balance between the needs of those population and the needs of people (Bolen and Robinson 2003)
Wildlife Categories Game Species Non-game species Endangered and threatened species Nuisance species Fish
Wildlife Management 3 basic approaches –Preservation –Direct manipulation –Indirect manipulation
History of Wildlife Management 1800’s- Hunting restrictions Aldo Leopold published Game Management 1937-Congress Passed Pittman-Roberson Act. 1960’s- New public perspective & expectations
Neglect and Exploitation -Market Hunting
Neglect and Exploitation Passanger Pigeon –Most numerous bird on earth (1800’s) –Extinct in a little over 100 years (last died 1941) –Human Hunting Labrador Duck –Extinct in 1875 –Loss of habitat
Neglect and Exploitation Caroline Parakeet –Extinct in 1914 –Human hunting and habitat loss Great auk –Extinct in 1844 –Hunted/ trapped for meat, feathers & eggs Hawaiian Rail –Extinct in 1940 –Went extinct do to loss of habitat
Problems of Excess Raindeer –1944 – 24 cows 5 bulls –1963 – 6000 on island –1964 – 42 on island Mule Deer White-tailed Deer Winter roosting birds of various species
Success Stories Wood ducks Wild turkey (catch and release) Bison –1860 – 60 million in America –1889 – 150 in America –1894 – last free range bison killed
Important people in Conservation
Aldo Leopold “Father of wildlife management” 1 st wildlife management professor Founded wildlife society
Theodore Roosevelt The conservation minded president Founded 1 st wildlife refuge 1903 Founded boon and crocket club
Gifford Pinchot Americas 1 st forester Helped create the national forest survive
John Muir “The father of our National parks” Invented 1 st alarm clock Convinced congress to set aside land for the national parks Founded Siear club
John James Audubon Naturalist and a painter Most known for “birds of North America”
J.N. “Ding” Darling A famous cartoonist Conservation & politics main passion 1 st head of U.S. Fish & wildlife Started the “duck stamp”