Tennessee Tech University Student Chapter
About the Wildlife Society ► The Wildlife Society (TWS), founded in 1937, is a non-profit scientific organization that is dedicated to wildlife conservation through science and education. ► Our mission is to enhance the ability of wildlife professionals to ensure responsible use of wildlife resources for the benefit of society.
TWS Publications ► The Wildlife Society Bulletin ► The Journal of Wildlife Management ► Wildlife Monographs ► The Wildlifer ► Books and other publications that are available to view on the website…
Professional Recognition ► Associate Wildlife Biologist ► B.A. at an accredited university with a wildlife program ► Certified Wildlife Biologist ► PhD, M.A. (2 yrs) or 5 years other experience in your field
A little about what we do: Monthly meetings in Pennebaker – Room 320. Weekly get-togethers Skeet shoots every semester Deer check stations with TWRA Southeastern Wildlife Conclave Hunters for the Hungry SEAFWA Beast Feast
Becoming a member ► Student Chapter dues: $5 for a semester $8 for a year $8 for a year ► State Chapter dues: $10 for students ► Southeastern Section: $10 for students ► National Dues: $32 for students (basic membership)