Peter Wulfhorst Extension Educator Penn State Cooperative Extension
Started in 1903 Responsible for managing all of PA’s wild birds & mammals Manage wildlife in PA monitor wildlife populations establish laws & regulations set seasons and bag limits habitat protection no seasons on species public education
Game land regulations Fluorescent Orange requirements Youth hunting opportunities
Big Game – White-tailed Deer, Black Bear, Elk Small Game – Turkey, Ruffed Grouse, Squirrel Waterfowl – Ducks & Geese Furbearer – Beaver, Fox, Coyote
Predator – Prey Relationship Endangered Species – In danger of becoming extinct Extinct Species– No longer found on earth Extirpated – Gone from PA, but still found in other areas of their range Reasons for Endangered Species – Habitat loss, Pollution, Introduced Species
What species are prone to become endangered? Specialists Low reproduction rates Prized by people Naturally rare
Precocial – born with eyesight & fully furred or feathered Altricial – born blind & naked Crepuscular – active at dawn & dusk Nocturnal – active at night Diurnal – active during day Carnivore – eats meat Herbivore – eats plants Omnivore – eats both meat & plants
Carrying Capacity - # of animals of 1 or more species a habitat can support at a given time Habitat needs – food, water, shelter, space Biodiversity – Species, genetics and natural communities or ecosystem Fragmentation and destruction of habitat Disturbance of wildlife during breeding seasons Use of pesticides and other chemicals
Incisors Canines Pre-molars Molars Diastema
Chronic Wasting Disease – neurological (brain and nervous system) disease found in deer & elk. CWS has not been found in PA. White-nosed Syndrome – White fungus found on noses of affected bats. Bats are flying outside during the day in winter and using up fat reserves needed to survive hibernation.
Black Bear Common Nighthawk & Whip-poor-will Mourning Dove Elk Opossum Diving Ducks Eastern Coyote Minks & Muskrats Thrushes Chickadees, Nuthatches, Titmouse & Brown Creeper
Beaver Hawks Foxes River Otter Wild Turkey Bobcat Finches & House Sparrow Owls White-tailed Deer Puddle Ducks
PA Game Commission - PA Audubon Society -