OECD Questionnaires Status Dr. Moshe Yanai CBS ISRAEL 24-26/11/2008
OECD Questionnaires Annual data collection, bi-annual reporting Themes: 1. Air 2. Water 3. Marine Environment 4. Land 5. Forest 6. Wildlife 7. Waste 8. Noise 9. Environmental income and expenditure
Data Collection Process Part of the accession process In key indicators In water and environmental expenditure From full questionnaire
Environmental data collection 2008 Data collection for key environmental indicators Only a subset of selected indicators The Themes: Air (inc. definitions), Waste, Inland water, Forest and Wildlife
Air ( CBS ) Definitions & Methods: completed Data:,CO 2, No X, So X : completed Limitations: missing historical data, methodological changes GHGs: completed for,CO 2 CH 4 and N 2 O Limitations: SF 6, PFCs and HFCs data are not available yet
Waste ( CBS& MOE ( Waste generation by sector - NA Recycling – partial data (confidentiality problems) Waste generation by material – partial data Construction, dredged spoils, sludge, manure, end of life vehicles –NA Generation and treatment of industrial waste - NA
Waste ( CBS& MOE, continued) Generation and treatment of hazardous waste – completed for the year 2000 Generation and treatment of municipal waste – completed for total collection only Generation data and waste by source and collection method - NA
Waste ( CBS & MOE, continued) Composition of municipal waste 2005 data only Total and distribution needed harmonization Treatment methods for municipal waste - NA Waste treatment installations – partial data
Water ( CBS& MOE ) Water Resources – Only two items completed Main challenge: evapotranspiration methodology (The Meteorological Service) Water abstraction by source and sector Totals were filled, sectoral distribution will be available next year (first national water account) Population connected to wastewater treatment plants –completed for
Forest Forest area by species group – completed Forest resources – irrelevant
Wildlife Data completed for 2002 Updating problem Data depend on academic research Fish- freshwater data only
Responsible Agencies ActivitiesTheme CBSMethodological research and data collection Air CBS+MOEData collection and methodology for generation by sector, source and treatment methods and installations Waste CBS+ MSWater account completion and evapotranspiration modeling Water Further Activities for completing missing data
Further Activities for completing missing data (continued) Responsible Agencies ActivitiesTheme CBS+JNFNoneForest CBSEncourage academic research, data collection Wildlife CBSConducting surveys in the various sectors Env. Expenditure