OPEN COURT READING Program Overview Anne Arundel County Public Schools © 2002
Goals Academic Achievement Safe and Orderly Environment Community Collaboration Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Academic Achievement Goal To accelerate achievement for every student, eliminating the achievement disparities among all groups of students –85% of students in grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 will perform at the “proficient” level in reading, mathematics, and writing, as defined by the Maryland State Department of Education in compliance with No Child Left Behind (the ESEA Reauthorization) –Disparities based on race, gender, or socioeconomic status will be no greater than 10 percentage points
A Comprehensive Reading, Writing, and Learning Program for K-6
Background Information Program Objectives Goals by Grade Units of Study Differentiation Assessment Component Home-School Connections Overview
Research and Results Based on researched practices Written by leading reading researchers –Michael Pressley –Marilyn Jager Adams –Joseph Campione Built upon structured, explicit lessons in phonemic awareness and phonics
Proven Effectiveness Studied as a whole program to test its effectiveness Researched in Houston, Fort Worth, and Sacramento Proven an effective explicit, systematic instructional approach to teaching children to read
Open Court Reading Develop confident and fluent readers through print and phonemic awareness activities and explicit phonics instruction Engage students in constructing meaning through the teaching of reading comprehension skills and strategies Designed to...
Open Court Reading & Fluency Fluency is seen as the bridge between: word recognition comprehension
Explicit Instruction Systematic Instruction Routine Cards Instructional Emphasis
Unit and Lesson Plans: READING & RESPONDING LANGUAGE ARTS PREPARING TO READ Instructional Emphasis
PREPARING TO READ Phonics Phonemic Awareness Sounds and Letters Word Knowledge Instructional Emphasis
READING & RESPONDING Authentic Literature Comprehension Skills & Strategies Inquiry and Investigation Practical Reading Applications Instructional Emphasis
LANGUAGE ARTS Spelling Vocabulary Writing Process Strategies Writer’s Craft Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics (GUM) Listening, Speaking, and Viewing Penmanship Basic Computer Skills Instructional Emphasis
6 Genres of Writing Narrative Expository Descriptive Poetry Personal Persuasive
Overview by Grade Level K12345 Goals Literature Units of Study
Kindergarten Kindergarten students will… learn about the alphabet and how it works. develop phonemic awareness. learn to connect sounds and letters. develop print and book awareness. have successful early reading experiences. explore the concepts of science, social studies, literature and the arts. understand story elements. K Goals
Kindergarten Literature K Big Books Story Time Selection Leveled Classroom Libraries
School Shadows Finding Friends Wind Stick to It Red, White, and Blue Teamwork By the Sea* Kindergarten K Units of Study
1 Goals Grade 1 First Grade students will… have a solid foundation in phonemic awareness. learn the spelling of the common English sounds and a strategy for reading unfamiliar words. develop fluency. read literature confidently and with understanding. become fluent writers. take responsibility for their own learning as they pursue personal paths of inquiry as soon as possible.
Big Books — 6 Units Student Anthologies — 4 Units Universal Themes Being Afraid*, Keep Trying Research Themes Animals, Things That Go Leveled Classroom Libraries 1 Literature Grade 1
Let’s Read Animals Things That Go Our Neighborhood at Work Weather Journeys Keep Trying Games Being Afraid* Homes 1 Units of Study Grade 1
Students will … review phonics knowledge and skills developed in first grade. continue to work on developing fluency and learning new vocabulary. read fiction and non-fiction selections organized around concepts from across the curriculum. refine writing skills to communicate knowledge. pursue personal and collaborative inquiry through study and research. Goals Grades 2–
Unit Themes Writing Models “Lexiled” Reading Materials 1 Literature Anthologies
Sharing Stories Kindness Look Again Fossils Courage* Our Country & Its People 2 Grade 2 Units of Study
Friendship City Wildlife Imagination Money Storytelling* Country Life 3 Grade 3 Units of Study
Risks & Consequences Dollars & Sense From Mystery to Medicine Survival Communication* A Changing America 4 Grade 4 Units of Study
Cooperation & Competition Astronomy Heritage Making a New Nation Going West Journeys & Quests* 5 Grade 5 Units of Study
Assessment Reporting Student Progress –Student progress will be reported to parents using the current report card. Assessing Student Progress –Teacher observations –Daily written and oral work –Oral fluency checks –Writing samples –Lesson assessments –Specified unit assessments
Workshop Differentiation Inquiry & Investigation of Unit Concepts Concept/Question Board “Research Assistant” Software Other Media & Technology Resources Reading Roundtable Novels by Theme Open Court Classics Alternatives planned collaboratively with Curriculum Division resource staff Centers
Intervention Re-teaching English Language Development Challenge Social Studies/Science Connections Differentiation within Lessons
Interventions –In-class assistance for those students needing more support within Open Court Reading –Corrective Reading minute small group Pre-teach/Re-teach Lessons –For students who need extra practice English Language Development Lessons –For students with special language needs –Delivered by classroom teacher and/or ESOL teacher Providing More Support
Home-School Connection Pre-decodable and decodable texts (Grades K-3) Anthologies and classroom leveled libraries (Grades 1-5) Parent letters –explain unit themes –review each selection –provide activities
Program Component Review