Wildlife transfer handbook WG leader: Brenda Howard
Participants Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, (India), Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden, UK, (Ukraine), (USA), IAEA Monaco In collaboration with the ICRP and IUR National support: Norway & UK (funding for database development)
Objective Provide IAEA Member States with data for use in the radiological assessment of wildlife as a consequence of routine discharges of radionuclides to the environment and existing contamination situations. Application to accidental release is also considered. Will be published as TRS
Workplan On-line data base, populated with ERICA database – End March June 15 th – 3.5 day workshop – aquatic transfer [IAEA Monaco] (linked with ICRP TG meeting) July 20 th - 3 day workshop terrestrial transfer & generic approaches [IAEA Vienna] Sept./Oct. – drafting workshop Oregon [also potential to involve N. American participants] January 2010 EMRAS II – final draft for peer review by Theme 2 On-going ‘living’ database after TRS publication
Also by ICRP RAP Weighted means