Turn-In-Poachers (TIP) Program Overview Steve Dermand Executive Officer 2 Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Bureau
Turn-In-Poachers Program Turn in Poachers, is a program developed and supported by hunters, anglers, clubs, businesses and private citizens in cooperation with the DNR. TIP is a nonprofit organization aimed at more than just stopping the illegal taking of fish or game. It is aimed at protecting all wildlife, including rare and endangered species.
Reporting a Crime At the time of your call you will be given a case number. Provide all the information you can about the suspects, vehicles used, license plate number and the area where the crime has taken place. You will be asked to call back later to confirm the outcome or status of your case.
TIP & Technology Currently a team from the DNR is working with DAS-ITE through an IOWAccess grant to develop a web based form that the public can fill out. We will also have the ability to store the data collected from the reports and communicate with officers & the person reporting the crime in a more efficient way.
Wildlife Crime Scenes
Successful Cases
TIP Board at Work
TIP Reward Schedule Reward Schedule $150 Small Game, Fish, Birds, and Furbearing Animals $200Wild Turkey and Raptors $300Deer, Elk, Moose, and Black Bear $1,000 Threatened or endangered species or commercial poaching operations
TIP Annual Activity Report 2006 182 TIP calls received during regular business hours were processed and investigated. 20 TIP calls resulted in successfully investigated cases. 87 citations were written. 19 successful TIP cases submitted for reward consideration were approved by the TIP Board for reward payment totaling $4,575.
2006 TIP Case Analysis by Subject
TIP Program Overall (Since 1985) 8,848 total TIP calls have been processed and investigated. 2,138 citations have been issued. $155,875 in rewards have been approved.
$2 Donation Program Program began in August Fishing and hunting license buyers have the opportunity to contribute $2 directly to TIP. Donations are used by TIP for rewards to informants and for promotional material to increase the public’s awareness of the program. $23,000 was contributed to TIP by supportive sportsmen and women during the first full year the program was in place.
Thank You! Special thanks to the many organizations and sportsmen and women who support the Turn-In-Poachers Program. Without you the program would not be a success.