Tips for success at the IRL Envirothon CURRENT ISSUE: Non-point source pollution and low impact development
What is low-impact development (LID) and how does it help alleviate non-point source pollution? What are the benefits of LID? Be able to explain how land use practices are connected to water quality concerns in local water bodies Compare and contrast conventional land use/development practices with LID practices Be able to list and discuss the main practices involved with LID Plot plans: Conventional LID LID Developments
Know: What is non-point source pollution and why is it important? What kinds of pollutants are carried in non-point pollution Where does non-point pollution come from and where does it end up? What are the consequences of urban stormwater pollution? what are some structural and non-structural BMPs and how does their use benefit control of water pollution
Be able to discuss how increase in impervious surfaces increases runoff and decreases infiltration. Be able to suggest ways that fully developed areas can better control runoff so that it does not have major environmental impacts.
Tie-in to other sections (aquatics, wildlife, soils, IRL, forestry, etc.): Be able to discuss how implementing green infrastructure might benefit various aspects of the environment