Aon Quality Institute Available only through the LeadingAge Property & Casualty Insurance Program Administered by: Aon Association Services, a division of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc.
Aon Quality Institute Aon has developed the Aon Quality Institute (AQI) to support the focus on resident safety and to help manage operational challenges AQI is a web-based risk management tool that is educational, user-friendly and easily accessible online AQI is not mandatory, but if the insured decides to comply with the requirements of the course they will receive a 10% credit on their GL/PL premium upfront. They will then need to comply with the requirements of the course within 60 days of the effective date. Compliance means that 100% of Senior and Middle Management passed the course and at least 75% of Line Staff. Specific course units have been established for Senior Management, Middle Management and Line Staff Report access available for online courses only.
Survey of AQI participants shows that the overall effectiveness of the course is rated at 8.1 on a scale of 1-10 Satisfaction Rating – 88% said they were “Satisfied” or “Very Satisfied”. 10% rated their satisfaction as “Neutral”. Objectives Met = 99%; Balanced Content = 100%; Useful = 98% Participant Commentary: Thanks, I plan to use the principles to update our policy and procedure manuals. This was very helpful, including putting additional and needed emphasis on risk management. As a past administrator, I felt the information was a good refresher course. Excellent learning tool. I look forward to my other staff having this valuable opportunity for such thoughtful insight and case examples to heighten their awareness on the topic.
Year One launched in 2006 with courses designed for Senior Management, Middle Management and Line Staff. The senior and middle management courses consist of modules addressing Administration, Clinical/Resident Safety and Environmental Safety The coursework within each module provides actual scenarios related to aging services operations. Resources are available to print and use immediately. The line staff course is available for Direct Care and Indirect Care staff The student begins the course through a self-registration process. Year Two was launched in 2007 as a Refresher Course. Year Three was launched in The Year Four launch announcement will be sent out to insureds shortly. Compliance Requirements: 100% of Senior and Middle Management Staff must successfully complete the course. 75% of Line Staff (direct and indirect) must successfully complete the course. A passing score is 70% or better. AQI education is an annual requirement in order to retain the 10% GL/PL premium credit. Year One must be completed within 60 days of the effective date for new insureds. Year Two must be completed PRIOR to the end of the first policy term. This allows us to automatically offer the AQI credit in the renewal proposal. Subsequent course years must be completed prior to the insured’s policy expiration date in order to receive the premium credit upon renewal. EXAMPLE for a new account with a 3/1/2009 effective date: Year One Deadline:5/1/2009 – 10% GL/PL premium credit provided upfront Year Two Deadline:3/1/2010 – successful completion means Year Two credit provided upfront Year Three Deadline:3/1/2011 – successful completion means Year Three credit provided upfront Year Four Deadline: 3/1/2012 – successful completion means Year Four credit provided upfront
More on the Line Staff courses... Direct Care Staff Indirect Care Staff Available online and ‘offline’ The offline course can be held and administered by the insured in a classroom setting. The Line Staff Classroom information includes: a CD that contains a powerpoint presentation, instructions on holding the class and test forms. When classroom materials are ordered, you will tell us where the materials are to be mailed and provide us with the number of Direct Care and Indirect Care staff. A minimum of 75% of all Line Staff must successfully complete the course with a passing grade of 70% or better.
Aon Quality Institute - Welcome and Overview
Listing of Courses – With Scores
Course Introduction
Overview of Issues
Case Studies
Case Study with Central Issue Highlighted
Case Study with Principle Learning Identified
Additional Resources Provided
Test After Each Module within a Course
Course Unit Report
Thank you! In addition to the Property & Casualty products, we also administer the Directors’ & Officers’ Liability and Workers’ Compensation products available to Not-for-Profit Aging Services risks. For more information regarding our Aging Services Insurance Programs, contact: AAHSA Insurance Program Administrator Aon Association Services th Street, N.W. Suite 600 Washington, DC Toll Free: Web: