WHO/Global Fund Agreement on Technical Cooperation to Support Countries under the Global Fund New Funding Model Nani Nair Office for Coordination of WHO - Global Fund Partnership ADG/HTM Office
Overview of the WHO/GF Technical Cooperation Agreement, TBTEAM Meeting, 19 June |2 | Agreement to support technical assistance to countries for activities leading to Concept Notes (CN) development* to access their allocation under the New Funding Model. Building on WHO’s mandate, presence and long experience in providing technical guidance and support to countries including for previous rounds-based calls for applications. *but not to support Regional proposals, actual writing of Concept Notes, or steps that follow, such as providing clarifications to the TRP and processes for Grant Making The WHO-Global Fund Agreement
WHO-GF Technical Assistance Agreement TBTEAM Presentation, 19 June |3 | Overview of the Agreement Agreement signed 20 May 2014 during WHA, for US $ 29 M Period: January 2014 to 31 December bulk of the work in next 12 months Payments: –Upfront payment of $4.6 million for fixed coordination costs, and $4.8 million for activities –Reimbursement for activities completed between 1 Jan and 20 May –Additional payments will be made retroactively as reimbursements, based on quarterly reports of activities completed
WHO-GF Technical Assistance Agreement TBTEAM Presentation, 19 June |4 | Overall Budget Summary Countries In-country TA interventions and Capacity building Training and Quality Assurance Fixed costsPSC (7%)TOTAL WHO HIV WHO TB Stop TB WHO GMP – RBM WHO HIS & FWC Coordination: WHO ADG HTM, Regional offices TA systems, monitoring and evaluation 541 TOTAL WHO and STB
Overview of the WHO/GF Technical Cooperation Agreement, TBTEAM Meeting, 19 June |5 | A Flagship Project of WHO Reform WHO-GF TA Agreement reinforces the key principles of WHO Reform. –Country Focus: needs are defined at Country Level and address country needs and priorities towards reaching set targets –Mandate to provide effective technical assistance to countries: three levels of WHO work seamlessly through HTM/HIS /RMNCH /GF focal points at CO, RO, HQ and OGCF –Coordination and harmonization of assistance: WHO TA requests result from dialogue with all relevant national stakeholders, in-country partners and GF country teams to avoid duplication of efforts –Strengthened accountability and transparency
WHO-GF Technical Assistance Agreement TBTEAM Presentation, 19 June |6 | WHO-GF Steering Committee Office of Coordination for WHO - Global Fund Partnership and Technical Cooperation Task Force HTM/HIS/RMNCH and OGCF Oversight from Director General's Office Oversight and Management Structures Interagency Committee Joint Working Group ADGs Global Policy Group
Overview of the WHO/GF Technical Cooperation Agreement, TBTEAM Meeting, 19 June |7 | Epidemiological analysis Program reviews Programmatic and financial gap analysis Strategic plans development Country dialogue for joint TB-HIV concept notes Epidemiological analysis, mapping etc Strategic planning support including costing Gap analysis Out of Africa TA (full package) in-country consultation meetings Epidemiological data and assessment Program reviews / capacity assessment Financial gaps analysis Strategic plans development Strategic investment approaches and translation into CN WHO HIVWHO TBWHO GMP – RBM Scope of Technical Assistance for the 3 diseases HSS and RMNCH are Cross Cutting
Overview of the WHO/GF Technical Cooperation Agreement, TBTEAM Meeting, 19 June |8 | Review of the national health sector strategy and national disease-specific plans to identify priority areas for cross-cutting RMNCH and HSS investments ( focus on PSM, HMIS, HRH, service delivery & financial management) Preliminary high level gap analysis and analytical needs assessment within identified priority RMNCH and HSS areas to prioritize strategic investments Designing evidence-based high-impact RMNCH and HSS interventions for inclusion in CNs (included in either disease concept notes, or as stand-alone HSS grant) Country dialogue to ensure inclusion of RMNCH and HSS priorities, discussions on programme split Training HSS consultants and WHO HSS staff in NFM and RMNCH/HSS WHO HSS/RMNCH Scope of Technical Assistance for HSS and RMNCH
Overview of the WHO/GF Technical Cooperation Agreement, TBTEAM Meeting, 19 June |9 | To remind ourselves… Demand driven process Clear focus on real country needs and priorities in order to reach goals Logical process for development of Concept Notes: eg., epidemiological, situation gap analyses and NSPs before Concept Note development Active engagement with all stakeholders to ensure content of CNs, appropriate TA, and use of funds Cross-cutting elements critical for success under NFM
WHO-GF Technical Assistance Agreement TBTEAM Presentation, 19 June | Important Dates Beginning Date of Agreement: 1 January 2014 End Date of Agreement: 31 December 2015 First Report to the Global Fund due on 4 July 2014; technical and financial reports for activities carried out and reimbursed between 1 January – 20 May 2014 –HQ, Regional and Country Office focal points contacted to provide reports in lead up to the due date Quarterly Reporting thereafter until end of Agreement –HQ, Regional and Country Offices will be contacted to provide reports in lead up to due dates
WHO-GF Technical Assistance Agreement TBTEAM Presentation, 19 June | Sharing Information and Tracking Progress Templates for TA Requests and Reports, Quarterly Workplanning and Reporting shared with all WHO Focal Points for HTM/HIS/RMNCH at HQ and Regions SOPs for internal working arrangements shared with HQ and Regional HTM/HSS/RMNCH focal points Active utilization of all forums including face to face meetings, TCs, VCs, s and sharepoint to track, trouble-shoot and monitor progress with provision of technical assistance in real time. All key documents including workplans, templates, schedules of TRPs etc. are accessible on OCGF sharepoint
WHO-GF Technical Assistance Agreement TBTEAM Presentation, 19 June | Progress and Next Steps Countries continue to submit their technical assistance requests. Workplanning templates for next quarter being developed in each Region WHO and Global Fund working on Joint Standard Operating Procedures to ensure smooth management of the Cooperation Agreement Training for countries intending to integrate Health Systems and Services into their concept notes, finalization of guidance note on integrating RMNCH issues into Concept Notes 280 Concept Notes expected to be submitted during , of which 160 in 2014 (representing 72% of the total funding)
WHO-GF Technical Assistance Agreement TBTEAM Presentation, 19 June | Opportunities –Accelerated progress towards MDGs: national programme strategies, plans, national health systems development, link and converge towards achieving national and global targets –Effective coordinated partnership mechanisms that are well positioned technically and politically, and that consistently provide effective TA support to countries –Greater capacity (technical, financial) to respond more effectively to countries’ needs in the future –Stronger national capacities in countries
WHO-GF Technical Assistance Agreement TBTEAM Presentation, 19 June | We’re a TEAM! Thank you