HW check: WORDS LIST (propose 5 terms we’ll do our best to use a lot today) My ideas: a clue a counterpart to forge outset remuneration
HW check: → Task 6 (p 13): Practise building rapport with the representative of another company with whom you are about to negotiate. Decide who is the host and who is the visitor. → Check your objectives on p 13, task 6. → Turn to page 84 to prepare your conversation. Now is the time to: role-play Task 6
Pre-negotiation conversation Task 6: Finding things in common, p 13 & 84 PAIRWORK (guest and host) Swap books – fill in info about yourself Where are you holding negotiations? What are you negotiating? (a well-known subject) What’s the weather like? What’s the latest news in the city? What’s the current economic situation? Looking for inspiration? Listening: Practise!
4A The proposal stage When money is at stake, never be the first to mention sums. Sheikh Ahmed Yamani Former Saudi oil minster How far do you agree with Sheikh Yamani that you should DELAY TALKING FIGURES until the other party mentions them? Cultural considerations? 1 getting to the point quickly, frankness and directness 2 creating the right amosphere, finding out about the opponent first ← e.g. German, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian ← e.g. Arabs, British, Japanese
p 16, Task 2: Use the words from the box to complete the diagram. Don’t make too many demands at this stage. Keep all your options open. Make your proposal hypothetical. Show some flexibility but not too much. Leave yourself room for manoeuvre. Don’t give away your strategy. Don’t talk figures to soon. Don’t force the other party into a corner. Task 3: Listening 1.12 What are they doing wrong?
Task 4 a)It’s imperative that we reach a final decision today. b)We would insist on free service and maintenance. c)I’m afraid that is not negotiable. apply pressure d)We can be very flexible there. e)There’s plenty of room for manoeuvre. f)This is very much negotiable.move forward g)Let me be totally upfront with you. h)Our key interest in this negotiation is this. i)That’s not such a high priority for us. be clear Task 5: Make the above sentences more open-ended. Ideally, we’d like to reach a final decision today.
Task 5 (cont). b) We would insist on free service and maintenance. We would hope that service and free maintenance would be included. c) I’m afraid that is not negotiable. I’m afraid we can’t be very flexible on that. d) We can be very flexible there. There might be some flexibility there. e) There’s plenty of room for manoeuvre. There may be some room for manoeuvre. f) This is very much negotiable. If necessary, we would be prepared to negotiate this.
Task 5 (cont). g) Let me be totally upfront with you. If I can be frank for a moment... h) Our key interest in this negotiation is this. This is one of our top priorities in this negotiation. i)That’s not such a high priority for us. That may be less of a priority with us. TELL YOUR OPPONENT’S MOOD FROM... words + tone of voice + b_ _ y l_ _ _ _ _ _e Task 6 Listening 1.13 ON BODY LANGUAGE What about jumping to conclusions? Looking out for body language “clusters”? Your reactions to your observations? Task 7 1e, 2h, 3a, 4g, 5b, 6d, 7c, 8f→ p 86
4B The proposal stage, p 18 Task 1: Read and discuss questions below 4 , pls OPENING STAGES OF A NEGOTIATION BETWEEN GOLDSTREAM & ETOILE AVIONS Task 2: Listening 1.14 = INITIAL PROPOSAL Task 3 Task 4: Listening 1.15 = SUMMARY OF THE INITIAL PROPOSAL Task 5: Listening 1.16 = COUNTER PROPOSAL Task 6: Useful expressions HW: Do tasks 4 - 6
Task 7: Practise opening a negotiation Groups of 4 Split into pairs: Speakers 1 & 2 → p 87 Speakers 3 & 4 → p 104 Step 1: 1 & 2 Present your initial proposal to 3 & 4 3 & 4 Listen, take notes Step 2: 3 & 4 Prepare your summary and ask 1 & 2 to correct or confirm Step 3: 3 & 4 Decide on 3 things you would like to change, prepare your counter-proposal and present it.
HW, p 104, Task 4B - 7: 1 Practice presenting the initial proposal for the deal between Toyota-Peugeot-Citroen 2 Prepare a summary of the proposal 3 Practice presenting the counter-proposal Use the expressions from p 19!