Making Sense of Projects The Ability to Lead and Other Basics
To Begin Groups Take out Strengths result – note top strength In your group, take one minute to introduce yourself and tell the others in the most confident way you can, about how you have used your strength in any life experience (be proud).
Strategic project management is a process of deciding and doing with careful forethought and extreme care in order to meet goals that are highly relevant to an objective. Be intentional, deliberate, strong, collaborative
Know that PMBOK 4 th Edition Emphasized: Leadership Team building Motivation Communication Influencing Decision making Political and cultural awareness Negotiation
PMBOK 5th Added stakeholders as the formal 10 th KA. I have placed a summary of this 5 th Edition changes on our homepage for those using an earlier version. In a week or so I will move it to Reference.
Don’t Doom Your Project By Failing to Plan Don’t jump into a project without planning Project needs clear definition – and that definition is an outgrowth/deliverable of a planning process. PM is really management aimed at multiple areas, and from start to finish in “finite efforts.”
In MGMT 303 you learned that GENERAL management is basically defined by the following functions: PLANORGANIZELEAD CONTROL Project Management Process groups follow that same basic scheme: INITIATINGPLANNINGEXECUTING MONITORING & CONTROLLINGCLOSING
Careful Planning Upfront is Everything! Remember that managing a project typically includes….. Balancing the competing project constraints including, but not limited to: Scope Quality Schedule Budget Resources Risk The specific project will influence the constraints on which the project manager needs to focus.
Define PM Procedures Upfront – Your Team MUST Understand Your plan documents/program serves to outline resources and Manage status reports, issues, scope change, risk, communication, etc. P M (you) will apply rigorous and proactive management to ensure common understanding across all stakeholders all of the time
Begin with Power And never underestimate the power of the charter
Charter Example You have one under “Reference.” Consider printing for your PM Journal. The one I am giving you is GREAT.
Project Charter Includes: Project purpose or justification Measurable project objectives and related success criteria High-level requirements High-level project description Summary milestone schedule Summary budget Project approval requirements Project Manager, responsibility and authority level Authorizing person
Harold Kerzner, PhD “Executives do not have time to read what’s on their desk already, so why give them too much information in which case they will either refuse to read it or study it with a microscope and find a fault. Executives want the answers to two questions: Where are we today? And where will we end up? Do you really believe this cannot be accomplished on a single sheet of paper? “
OPPM One page project management Some version of plan on a page Not realistic for all project elements all the time, but key for quick reference and essential for executive sponsors
OPPM accounts for: Major Tasks - shows the high level tasks for the project. Objectives - shows the project objectives that are met by the task Timeline - provides information about when the task will be worked on and completed. Cost- displays current budget metrics so the project manager can take action if necessary. Owners- identifies the various owners of the task. This identifies who has responsibility.
Use the POP or a Variant to Articulate Your Project Details for this Class Use the Plan on a Page Document Under the Reference Tab on our Web Site