Preparatory Workshop for Fourth National Communications from Annex 1 Parties Chapter 6: Education, Training and Public Awareness Dublin, Ireland September October, 2004
Outline of Presentation Snapshot of Canadian PEO Programs Best Practices In Measuring & Reporting An Approach to Measuring & Reporting What is the One-Tonne Challenge? Measuring & Reporting: The One-Tonne Challenge Canadian Efforts to Create A Measurement Framework Across Policies & Measures Summary and Conclusions
Snapshot of Canadian Programs & Initiatives Canada active in all areas of Article 6 with programs and educational resources Many federal, provincial agencies & NGOs involved – Learning resources for teachers, linked to provincial curriculum Training on energy management for industrial/commercial & institutional sectors Information targeted to health professionals Regional Impacts posters for educators and NGOs Interactive web information and tools on climate change, its impacts and what Canadians can do
Snapshot (cont’d) 300 different energy efficiency and alternative energy print publications provide “how-to” information Funding for community groups on climate change and clean air supports local initiatives Network of PEO Hubs co-funded between provinces, territories & federal government, support & coordinate regionally-tailored outreach Fact sheets created by Meteorological Service of Canada explain science behind the issue TV Documentaries, eg. “The Great Warming” and exhibits popularize information Success stories of international cooperation & support for capacity building provide models to others One-Tonne Challenge encourages individual action
Best Practices in Measuring & Reporting PEO Programs – Some Ideas A baseline from which to measure progress is a critical starting point Explicit targets for the program provide the basis for measurement A logic chain should show how activities lead to results Short term indicators needed to demonstrate early impact -reach, awareness & recall of campaign, #s of partners, web site visits, requests for info Important also to measure reach & engagement of partners, intermediaries, participants Ongoing communications with key players will facilitate easy capture of their activities and results
Best Practices: Measurement & Reporting (cont’d) While many activities can be quantified to show progress, eg. Publications distributed, communities participating, visits to web site & sign-ups, value of partner leverage Need to select 5-10 key indicators for tracking purposes Important also to capture “softer”, qualitative impacts in a PEO program These 5-10 key indicators, tracked over time, mark progress towards long term outcomes Increased understanding, changed attitudes, behaviour changes Long term outcomes are the most difficult & most important to measure & report
An Approach to Measuring & Reporting: The One-Tonne Challenge What is the One-Tonne Challenge? A call to action for Canadians to reduce their personal emissions, launched March 2004 Managed by Natural Resources Canada and Environment Canada, with support from Transport Canada A social marketing program that combines: – a national marketing backdrop to create broad awareness –and partnerships with private sector, communities, youth and educators to provide opportunities for action “on the ground” An opportunity for all sectors of society to get involved in achieving an important national and int’l goal Flagship PEO program on climate change
Measuring & Reporting: The One-Tonne Challenge Began with Baseline Research… Extensive Survey of adult Canadians completed April ’03 on awareness, understanding, attitudes, actions of Canadians –Added public opinion research, lessons learned & an Int’l Social Marketing Experts’ Forum to complete our research With knowledge of “barriers” from our research, we developed objectives: –Create awareness, understanding & knowledge of benefits to taking personal action –Offer practical tools to make it easy –Provide prompts, recognition & support to those who act –Improve access to existing programs, incentives and services that help
Measuring & Reporting (cont’d) Our logic model works back from “ultimate outcome” to activities “Ultimate Outcome” Contribute to a Canada where lifestyle choices which reduce emissions and minimize climate change are the norm Our “Intermediate Outcomes” are steps towards the long term vision – an increase (from baseline) in specific, measurable, behaviour changes, for example: Driving less; driving “smarter” Increasing home energy efficiency Buying energy efficient appliances Installing compact fluorescent lights
Measuring & Reporting (cont’d) The next step down in our logic model are “Immediate Outcomes” –Awareness and recall of campaigns (60% unaided and aided, 50% recall of advertising, 10,000 unique visitors monthly to web site, 10% of visitors pledging to take the challenge) –Increased understanding of importance of action, opportunities, benefits, efficacy (% increase from baseline TBD) –Increased participation in community, youth and educational efforts (% increase from baseline TBD) –Reach through partners & intermediaries (private sector, communities, youth, educators)
Challenges Still working on some specific targets and the 5-10 key indicators for OTC Complex set of many behaviours we are seeking to influence (i.e. not like an anti-tobacco campaign) Behaviour change is long term; most significant results will be beyond current program duration In the short term, difficult to report outcomes beyond awareness & recall, partner participation Social marketing experts in Canada and internationally struggle with measuring “soft” outcomes, particularly from community engagement processes In programs such as OTC, attribution is an issue, given the role to encourage uptake of other targeted measures
Canadian Efforts to Create Measurement Framework Across Policies & Measures Canada’s Treasury Board developing a Results Management & Accountability Framework (RMAF) Have built a horizontal logic model across departments of all cc policies and measures Engaged senior managers in developing performance measurement strategies Asking departments to develop performance stories for each area including outcomes, investments, drivers of performance (or non-performance) Each department is responsible for measuring and reporting its initiatives within this framework The OTC logic model fits within this RMAF – outcomes support broader cc outcome This Framework provides consistency, transparency and accountability in measuring progress – a complex and demanding initiative
Summary Telling the PEO Performance Story requires: Upfront research & planning Setting goals based on research Creating a clear logic that builds from activities to results Selecting the 5-10 key indicators to track Putting in place mechanisms to gather both soft & hard data on a continuous basis (from all key players) Ongoing communications with key players to facilitate easy capture of their activities and results But, behaviour change programs pose particular challenges: measuring “soft” outcomes; showing short term results and linking these to long term outcomes; and attributing results to program activities
Conclusions Tackling measuring & reporting takes dedicated resources and commitment To be worth the time & effort, measurement & reporting must serve a purpose for decision-making Areas of discussion Are there similarities between challenges and best practices in measuring & reporting PEO and other climate change programs? How are you tackling these challenges?