What Does the Perfect Professional Organization Look Like? Opportunities to Network/Communicate
OPPORTUNITIES Network with peers nationwide Webinars on hot topic issues Monthly eNewsletters The Bulletin: quarterly printed newsletter List servs-current event discussions Network with peers nationwide Webinars on hot topic issues Monthly eNewsletters The Bulletin: quarterly printed newsletter List servs-current event discussions
What Does the Perfect Professional Organization Look Like? Opportunities To Learn from Experts
OPPORTUNITIES Top notch speakers for conferences Timely educational seminars County office tours, learn from others Best practice white papers on Nationally recognized initiatives Top notch speakers for conferences Timely educational seminars County office tours, learn from others Best practice white papers on Nationally recognized initiatives
What Does the Perfect Professional Organization Look Like? Opportunities To Grow Professionally
OPPORTUNITIES PRIA affiliated National standards education See new technology at vendor shows Job specific education & professional certification program PRIA affiliated National standards education See new technology at vendor shows Job specific education & professional certification program
GET INVOLVED Participate in list serv discussions Participate in webinars Participate in round table discussions Share your ideas & knowledge Share your best practices Serve on an interest group Serve on a committee Write articles Participate in list serv discussions Participate in webinars Participate in round table discussions Share your ideas & knowledge Share your best practices Serve on an interest group Serve on a committee Write articles
STATE COORDINATOR Help engage others in your state Share information and education Encourage participation at the national level Help engage others in your state Share information and education Encourage participation at the national level
Thank You For Attending Jack Arrowsmith Membership Co-Chair Jack Arrowsmith Membership Co-Chair Kathi L. Guay Membership Co-Chair Whitney Bertram, NACRC Executive Director 2501 Aerial Center Parkway Ste 103 Morrisville, NC Visit us at