Building & Using an Effective Leadership Team Kathi Cooper Aida Molina Bette Harrison Sandy Lam
Implement, Monitor & Support, and Sustain Improvement
How does the Leadership Team contribute to meeting the assurances of the grant and contribute to sustainability of reading reform?
There are four important questions to explore.
Who is on the Leadership Team? How do we support the full implementation of the program? How do we monitor the effectiveness of the program? How do we measure and celebrate the sustained improvement?
There are 6 Key Elements of this work
Key Element #1 All classrooms deliver a coherent, well organized, standards based, adopted program in reading and language arts.
This includes specific content and a complete instructional system that is well supported with high quality materials, training, and specific instructional strategies to address student needs across all population of students. All content of the program is taught as designed. Standards for implementation and coordination are clear.
Key Element #2 Everyone at each school uses a frequent assessments system directly connected to the content of the academic program.
The data are collected in an efficient and timely manner. Teachers and grade levels understand how to analyze, interpret, and use data to improve instruction.
Key Element #3 All teachers and administrators engage in collegial, collaborate school and grade level teams that focus on developing successful, program specific strategies to improve achievement for all students.
The teams work to build a school and grade level system to improve achievement. Active use of data leads to collaborative improvement efforts and co-accountability for improved achievement.
Key Element #4 All schools engage in content specific, on-going Professional Development with coach and technical support personnel.
Site-based Professional Development is based on the data generated by the ongoing assessment system. The focus of Professional Development is on improving instruction in the agreed program. Professional Development assists the teacher to address the needs of specific groups of students within the structure of the comprehensive program.
Key Element #5 The school’s active and knowledgeable leadership takes actions focused on developing and strengthening the academic performance of all students by fully and skillfully implementing the district adopted program and by effectively utilizing, data, and technical assistance.
The site administrator knows the program and actively organizes the school to meet the goals of Reading First. The site administrator is able to assist each teacher to improve instruction using the system of support in Reading First.
Key Element #6 The district superintendent and staff provides coherent, coordinated support and leadership.
This leadership provides technical expertise to assist schools to focus/refine the work and to sustain improvements. Assumes an active role in meeting the assurance by working with all departments to develop coordinated and coherent systems to improve achievement through the active use of data over time.
Questions for Reflection
How can we improve our LEA? What are our short-range and long-range goals?
How do we hold ourselves accountable? How do we sustain our commitment to Reading First program?
How do members of the team monitor for coherence and alignment? How do the district schools view the work of our LEA?
In district teams or table groups, review the monitoring documents. Consider how they resonate with your district’s work. Discuss any ideas they suggest for future work of your Leadership Team.