Equine Science Society June 2007 Hunt Valley, Maryland.


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Presentation transcript:

Equine Science Society June 2007 Hunt Valley, Maryland

Developing and implementing exam review using game show format Kathi Jogan, University of Arkansas Nancy Jack, University of Arkansas Karen Jogan, Albright College

Goals of Exam Review Students –Master material –Retain information –Review content –Engage in learning

Why use game show formats? Game show formats –Motivate –Facilitate learning –Provide for collaboration among students –Provide immediate feedback –Improve test scores

Research question Did a game show format exam review positively affect exam scores?

Study 54 students 2 groups Randomly assigned IRB approved Exams pre- and post- review

Results 2 exams –over same material –Not same questions Exam/Jeopardy/Exam Gp 1  8% increase Gp 2  14% increase

% Correct exam answers by group pre and post Jeopardy

Let’s play Jeopardy!

$100 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $200 Click here for FINAL JEOPARDY !

You are CORRECT! Add the $$$$ you have earned to your total Click here to choose another question. Click here

 WRONG. No $$$$$ for you! Click here to choose again. Click here

Genetics -- $100 Click on the correct answer. A.ChestnutChestnut B.Dappled GrayDappled Gray C.BayBay D.TobianoTobiano A horse with black points is called…

Eats -- $300 Negative effects of fescue include.. Click on the correct answer. A. Dystocia and AgalactiaDystocia and Agalactia B. Increased growth rate in young foalsIncreased growth rate in young foals C. Decreased gestationDecreased gestation D. All of the aboveAll of the above

Eats -- $400 The horse’s digestive system… Click on the correct answer. A. Has a two-way cardiac sphincter Has a two-way cardiac sphincter B Anatomically, the small intestine follows the cecumAnatomically, the small intestine follows the cecum C. Has a large stomach capacityHas a large stomach capacity D. Has no gall bladderHas no gall bladder

PLACE YOUR BETS… Return to the Question 

Click here for the TOPIC 

Place your bets! You will write out your answer. Click here for the Final Jeopardy Question The topic is…..

ee, CC, D, gg, ww, toto Click here for answer What color does this genetic formula indicate?

And the answer is… Red Dun Congratulations to the Winners! Created by K. Jogan

Creating the Game Power Point template Directions for authoring the game Storyboard Scorecard Finding resources you need

Power Point template Creating the Game

Rules of the Game  Click on any question you wish to answer but answer each question only once.  If you answer correctly, add the money amount to your total winnings. You may want to write the amount on paper as you go.  If you miss a question, you do not have to subtract the amount from your total.  You can play by yourself or take turns with a friend.  To stop the game, right click and choose End Game.

$100 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $200 Final Jeopardy

That’s Correct! Add the money to your total amount. Click here to choose another question.here

 Sorry! Wrong Answer. You do not earn any money. Click here to choose another question.here

1st for $100 A.Answer B. Answer C. AnswerD. Answer Question

1st for $200 Question A.Answer B. Answer C. AnswerD. Answer

1st for $300 Question A.Answer B. Answer C. AnswerD. Answer

1st for $400 Question A.Answer B. Answer C. AnswerD. Answer

1st for $500 Question A.Answer B. Answer C. AnswerD. Answer

How much will you wager – up to Add Amount Here? Question

How much will you wager – will you go for broke? Question

Final Jeopardy Question A.Answer B. Answer C. AnswerD. Answer

Creating the Game Storyboard

Jeopardy Storyboard Jeopardy Topic _____________________________________________ Jeopardy Category ________________________________ $100 Question Is this a double jeopardy question ? Yes No Answers (circle correct): A_____________________________________________________________________ B ____________________________________________________________________ C_____________________________________________________________________ D_____________________________________________________________________ Jeopardy Topic _____________________________________________ Jeopardy Category ________________________________ $100 Question Is this a double jeopardy question ? Yes No Answers (circle correct): A______________ B ______________ C_______________ D_______________ Jeopardy Storyboard Jeopardy Category ________________________________ $200 QuestionIs this a double jeopardy question ? Yes No Answers (circle correct): A______________ B ______________ C_______________ D_______________ Jeopardy Category ________________________________ $300 QuestionIs this a double jeopardy question ? Yes No Answers (circle correct): A______________ B ______________ C_______________ D_______________

Creating the Game Scorecard

Jeopardy Scorecard  If you have a correct response, CIRCLE the corresponding block  If your response is incorrect, PLACE AN X over the corresponding block  Add totals of blocks which are correct. Do not subtract for incorrect responses.  If your daily double or final jeopardy response is incorrect, subtract the amount you bet from your final score. 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Daily Double 1: How much will you risk? _________ Correct: yes/ no Daily Double 2: How much will you risk? _________ Correct: yes/ no Final Jeopardy: How much will you risk? _________ Correct: yes /no TOTAL: Circled blocks +/- Daily Doubles +/- Final Jeopardy = ________ Daily Double 1: How much will you risk? _________ Correct: yes/ no Daily Double 2: How much will you risk? _________ Correct: yes/ no Final Jeopardy: How much will you risk? _________ Correct: yes /no TOTAL: Circled blocks +/- Daily Doubles +/- Final Jeopardy = ________

References J.A. Azriel, M.J. Erthal, and E. Starr, Answers, questions, and deceptions: What is the role of fames in business education?, Journal of Education for Business Sep/Oct2005, 81(1)(2005),pp University of Minnesota; Center for Teaching and Learning, Active learning with PowerPoint: Using PowerPoint to play educational games, (2006) Retrieved January 31, 2007, from owerpoint/games.html.

Time for Questions…