John Calvin Calvinism SON!!
Born: July 10, 1509 Died: May 27, Had a fairly easy childhood, father had a prosperous career which led to education for children -Experienced a religious conversion in autumn of 1533, sudden change of mind -Led to his monumental break from Catholic Church
Figures 1534 John Calvin converted to Protestantism ● said his “long stubborn heart” was “made teachable” by God area under the reign of Elector Frederick III 1533 Guillame Farel and Antoine Froment went to Geneva as reformers Martin Bucer of Strasbourg taught Calvin how to achieve his goals
Location ● region of the Palatinate (France, Netherlands, Scotland) ● Geneva and Bern ● Strasbourg, a model Protestant city Map of Calvinism in Europe
Interface with Politics 1537 in Geneva, Calvin’s articles for the governance of the new church was presented for approval to the city councils ● proposed strong measures to govern Genevan moral life ● seen as attempt at “new papacy” ● reformers opposed this idea and Calvin and Farel were exiled from city 1540 Geneva elected a council that was favorable to Calvin ● established Genevan political and religious independence from Bern 1540 Genevan Church, based on the Strasbourg model, organized into four offices: 1.five pastors 2.teachers or doctors to instruct and defend “true doctrine” 3.twelve elderly laypeople to “oversee the life of everybody” 4.deacons to dispense church goods and services to poor and sick
Ordonnances ecclésiastiques -In support of Calvinism, Geneva passed the 4 ordinances in Defied 4 orders of ministerial function: - pastors preach+administer sacraments - doctors instruct believers in faith - elders provide discipline - deacons care for needy
Primary Beliefs/Practices ● Predestination -Complete depravity -No inviting others to drink -No singing or dancing about “immoral, dissolute, outrageous” things -the individual should reorder society according to God’s plan -made people believe that they would live eternally; thus, causing them to act accordingly -Stressed the sovereignty of God over all creation -Humankind needed to conform to God’s will Calvinism Rap
Predestinatin -“God freely and unchangeably ordained whatsoever come to pass” -People are predestined and eventually reborn -Promotes Capitalism
Commentary on the Catholic Church The papacy should not be domineering or all-important Believed that the Church was inadequate, corrupt, and in need of new policies Only relevant sacraments are eucharist and baptism Defended trinitarian view
Similar and Dissimilar to Luther Luther believed that faith alone led to salvation while Calvin preached of both good and holy actions as well as thoughts and faith Calvin was stricter in terms of moral codes and regulations/boundaries
Significance -Encouraged thrift, industry, sobriety, responsibility -Max Weber “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” -Puritan work ethic of America -Calvin and Hobbes