Theme Book Trailers Project To give us a better understanding of theme in a literary work, you will use to create a book trailer for your Independent Reading Book from this term. Your trailer must include: An attention-getter (great image, interesting quote, thought- provoking question…) Title & author(s) of the book Images to illustrate theme or mood Captions to communicate enough information about the book to interest other readers Background music to set the mood & reinforce the theme Appropriate citations (sources for quotes, images, music, etc.) Personal info (names, period #, date)
Project Tips Think carefully about theme… (Color? Images? Pace? Make a list.) Pick images that clearly communicate the theme or mood. Gather images (Copyright free, or download your own) – Check the Media Center link to English
Write CAPTIONS, not paragraphs. “Divergent. In a future world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to a particular virtue. At sixteen years of age, all citizens must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice Prior, the decision is between staying with her family or being who she truly is--she can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.” (adapted from Five factions, in a future world. At sixteen, ALL must choose. For Beatrice… Family or Self?
Ready? Put it all together at – Use your knowledge of your theme Images, font, color, transitions, word choice, music Think you’re finished?? – Take time to edit/proofread (get a reader!)
Animoto Tips Log in: Gmail address & password (Remember your +#) Under your name: Account Personal information or Password (6 mos. free account; Bold = 12 month!!) Create
Step 1: Choose a Style – Look at their themes!! (NO Pro, though) – Click & Select – Title your project (click on pencil icon to edit) Step 2: Pics & Vids – Copyright free!! Your Computer – Upload pictures & video (find in your files, select in multiples and upload) – NOTE: to save images in your files: Right Click, Save Picture As, put in your folder in your H drive) Services (facebook, instagram, flickr, picasa) Our Collection (Animoto) Create video
Title = Main Text (40 characters) Subtitle = Smaller text (50 characters) 90 characters (Includes spaces & punctuation) Mouse click, hold & drag to reorder Text Step 3: Add Text
From Your Computer (Your own…) Copyright free!! (They may delete your account if not.) From Animoto’s Collection Select the musical notation – Change Music (also by theme…) – Use tool icon on the upper right to edit song & pace Step 4: Add Music
Use left-side tabs to work between Pics & Vids, Music & Text Save (at any time) saves your work – Takes time… More work? New day? – Log in to Animoto again – My Videos (top of screen) Continue Editing Delete? Under the Tool Icon
Step 5: Produce Video – Be sure you’re finished!! – Be Patient!! – When you’re sure… – Share – Pinterest – Log in as Password thinglink Pin to Animoto Theme Book Project Description: your name & title & author