Basics of Project Management Sean McIntyre 01/04/2015
Starting at the Start What is a Project? Definitions are open to individual or organisational interpretation ALL PROJECTS REQUIRE A STRUCTURE TO BE “A PROJECT”
How to Build a Project Structure Define-Develop-Scope – What is your desired outcome? In project terms Defining the Project is you referred to as “Business Requirements” Developing the Project refers to building the “Business Case” and Scoping the Project refers to a summary of the desired outcome Business Requirements=Business Case, summarise where are you today (Background-Start) and what you are trying to achieve (Outcome-End) The Business Requirements / Business Case has to include a Cost-Benefit analysis----”Value Proposition” key input into project budget Breakdown your project into steps or sections of work. In project terms you may hear this referred to as “Tasks” define resources required Build your preliminary timeline – Start Date and End Date. Remember this is your first estimate and has to be flexible, so be kind to yourself and build in a buffer for “Mr. Murphy.” Q. Has everyone met Mr. Murphy? He seems to be everywhere in our lives or as Forrest Gump said “Stuff Happens!” Murphy’s Law: If something can go wrong something will go wrong
High-Level Project Planning PHASE 1 (Project Initiation) Define Concept (Business Case + Cost/Benefit) (WHAT) Define Scope of Works (Time + Costs) (HOW) Define “The Team” and Identify Responsibilities (WHO) PHASE 2 (Project Design & Development) Design “The Project Plan” (Step 1 – Step XXX) (WHEN) Define & Develop Define Risks / Create Issues Register (MURPHY) Develop Status Report and Ranking (TRACKING) DELIVER – DELIVER - DELIVER
Keeping it Simple Business Case says GO! How do I build “THE PLAN?” Define the Task and How Long to Complete Sample Scope: I want to build a robot in 12 days BUFFER 20% PLAN for 15 Days 1.Select a type of Robot (3 Days) 1.1. Source All Robot Styles (1 Day) 1.2 Review & Shortlist to 2 Styles (1 Day) 1.3. Compare Shortlist Select 1 Style (1 Day) 2. Source Materials (5 Days) 2.1. Download/Format Robot Plan (.5 Day) 2.2. Build List of Materials (.5 Day) 2.3. Find Suppliers for Materials (2 Days) 2.4. Order / Delivery Materials (2 Days) 3. Build the Robot [Hope(4 Days)] (7 Days) 3.1. Verify and Layout Materials (1 Day) 3.2. Replace–Reorder Damaged/Missing Parts (3 Days) Murphy! 3.3. Build my Robot (3 Days)
Project Lessons It is never better to over-promise and under deliver 95% of all project managers will have higher expectations of timeframes to deliver Murphy is part of your team----so Buffer and Risk Management / Mitigation are keys to success
What Type of Systems Can I Use I.There are now a multitude of software and freeware options for project management tools A. High End – MS Project only recommend for very large – complex – high value projects B. Med End – Smartsheet great for small businesses that have medium to small projects C. Low End – Excel Spreadsheet can be used for small – low cost projects II.How to manage a project----Google it Do I need a professional project manager????
Professional Project Managers Hire Externally or Manage Yourself????? The decision matrix here has to include knowledge and skills but most importantly TIME-----if you can 100% dedicate yourself to managing the project then GO FOR IT! The two most important steps in project management are: 1.Designing – Managing “The Plan” 2.Documenting - Managing – Mitigating the Risk/Issues Register DIY----Put in the time and perhaps $$$ in the Planning Phase Refer: 7ps Proper Planning & Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance
Favourite Quote George Washington when asked how he was going to cut down that cherry tree in the 5 hours allocated? “I will think about it for 4 hours and then cut it down in 1 hour”
Project Team - Excel Resurg TeamIdentifierRoleCommunication Mark JenkinsMJ Relationship ManagerSponsor/Senior Management Sean McIntyreSM Project ManagerDocumentation/Sponsor/Proj Leaders Client TeamIdentifierRoleCommunication EV Project ManagerDocumentation/Sponsor/Proj Leaders
Sample Low End Plan - Excel ItemTask DescriptionStart DateTarget DateDependencyOwnerStatus J0001 Dank's ("D") Retail 1 Scoping / Requirements Analysis 1/04/201121/12/2012 D/RSGClosed Action: SM to Populate Detail at EV Req SM 2 Hierarchy Mapping 7/01/20131/03/ RSG/EVOpen 2.1. Cross Referencing 7/01/20138/02/20131MD/MSClosed 2.2. Dank's Supply SKU Matches 8/02/2013 EVClosed 2.3. Extract Information from SKU Matches 11/02/201313/02/ MDClosed 2.4. Group Extracted Data Set 1; 4,367 13/02/201322/02/ MD/MSClosed 2.5. Group Extracted Data Set 2; 78,578 25/02/201301/03/ MD/MSOpen 2.6. Sign Off; Confirm 85% Mapping 1/03/20134/03/2013MilestoneEVOpen 3 Develop New Adapter (18 Stores) 4/03/201318/04/ Contact POS Provider 4/03/ EVOpen
High End Plan – MS Project
Issues Register / Status Report
Linking Key Tasks - Milestones Fundamental to all Project Planning Linked or dependent tasks are identified by applying scenario analysis to individual tasks If we do not complete Task 1 can we move on to Task 2? If the answer is NO then Task 1 is a must complete “Milestone” The Milestones of your project need to be identified when doing your Risk Management Planning as they can result in delays to delivery and often costs blow-outs
Conclusion Break your projects down into Phases and identify the Risk / Milestones early on so they can be managed and do not result in Game Enders! You can have 100,000 tasks to deliver your project but it all starts with the first one! Macca at if you want more detailed presentations or