Model RailRoad Manager Quick Start: Automated Traffic Generation
Define a division Specify division name declare as On your layout
Define division yard’s citytown Specify citytown name Identify the division hosting the citytown
Define Yard track/siding Specify track name a single track for arrival/departure/storage is sufficient to get started declare track’s rail class as ‘Yard’
Define a Yard stop A spot on the yard track for arrival/departure trains Specify Stop name; this stop, say MyYard, is also the Yard Name Identify the track hosting the stop
Define Citytown’s Homeyard Each citytown is served by a yard Reopen the citytown record Assign the Yard stop, MyYard, as Homeyard to this Citytown
Define two more city/towns Specify citytown names (say Town1 and Town2) Assign the same Division Assign the MyYard yard stop to each citytown
Define a Buyer Industry Specify Buyer name (say Industry1) Define a track/siding in Town1 for Industry1 Define a Receiving Stop for Industry1 Specify consumption activity (commodity, reorder frequency, etc.)
Define a Seller Industry Specify Seller name (say Industry2) Define a track in Town 2 for Industry2 Assign track rail class as ‘Industrial Siding’ Define a Shipping Stop for Industry2
Define some rolling stock Specify at least one locomotive Specify some freight cars with AAR code appropriate for the commodity to be moved Assign MyYard as Homeyard for each loco and car Specify production activity (commodity, production rate, etc.)
Define a train Give Train a number, say ‘711’, based on type (say a ‘local’) Assign a Consist name to the train (say ‘4BA3’) Assign origin and destination as MyYard Assign stop sequence as MyYard, Town1, Town2, MyYard
Inspect ‘Make Shipments from Industry Partners’ tabpage Confirm that buyer and seller are recognized as automated trading partners Set the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) clock date and time Start the Industries working by advancing the clock by one or more hours Continue to step clock until at least one Shipment is created
Inspect the Shipment tabpage Note that for each shipment, multiple routing legs are created Routing legs specify the sequence of moves of your cars from Shipper to Consignee Routing legs correspond to waybills A train is required for each routing leg movement
Open ‘Generate Industry Traffic and Train Activity’ window Add train 711 to manifest list Set train starting time per ‘Suggested Train Start Times’ button report Advance clock if train start time has not arrived Click the ‘Auto-generate this Manifest’ button Or Click the buttons 1 thru 6 on the ‘Generate Manifest Sequence’ The manifest status will progress from ‘Not Ready’ to ‘Completed’ as the schedule and switchlist are created and the train is ‘run’ in batch mode
Inspect the results of this Manifest Generation ‘Baseline Schedule’ shows the train stop sequence ‘Train Actual Schedule’ shows date and time for arrival and departure at each stop ‘Train Switchlists’ shows the switchlist for the local to pickup and setout the cars ordered by Industry1 from Industry2 ‘Run Trains’ shows the results of the train when run is completed in automated batch mode.
Continue Add new trains Add new manifests step clock as needed Generate manifests creating schedules, switchlists and runs