Teppo Räisänen School of Business and Information Management Oulu University of Applied Sciences
Golden Ratio At least since the Renaissance, many artists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ratio believing this proportion to be aesthetically pleasing. Golden ratio appears in the nature a lot Other names golden ratio, golden mean
Golden Ratio
Greek letter Phi ϕ
Golden Ratio Mathematicians have studied the golden ratio because of its unique and interesting properties. E.g. 1 / Phi = Phi – 1 (= …) In Fibonacci sequence if you divide a number by its predecessor the results converge to Phi 0,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, …
Golden Ratio
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Direction In western world people read from top left to lower right In Asia people read from top right to lower left This must be taken into account in design
Direction Photos have also direction Always leave more room ”in front” of the photo E.g. leave room to the face side/direction of gaze More room in front of a car than in behind
When you have text and pictures, make sure the pictures face the text Look at newspapers and how pictures are used in stories!
Direction There is also depth in pictures
Balance In graphical design balance plays an important role Layout must be in balance Balance does not need to be symmetrical Every page/image has a focal point
Balance When arranging elements on a page you must consider their visual weight Size, value (dark weigh more than light objects), density of the texture Don’t use too much contrast
Cropping images With cropping you can improve picture balance The rule of thirds can be used as a guideline htm
Break the rules You can always break the rules But you must know what you are doing